Oh yeah, Adams had more stuff to say, mostly about Trump’s critics focusing on imaginary problems and such. He says this:
Generally speaking, the criticisms of President Trump’s first 100 days (and in general) are based on imaginary stuff:
Imagined problems on his tax returns.
Imagined blackmail by Russia.
Imagined poor performance based on imagining a control case of another imaginary president doing the same job at the same time, but doing it faster.
Imaginary belief that doing things you prefer he not do is similar to not being competent.
Imagined staff problems that are bigger than they are.
Imagined nuclear holocaust that happens because of Trump’s imaginary insanity.
Imagined problems caused by his ignoring of facts that don’t matter.
Imagined future climate calamity. (They could be right, but for now it is imaginary because complex models have a bad track record.)
Yeah, I don’t think so, Adams.
People are upset with Trump because he sucks, not because of some “imaginary” problems. He was put into a dream position- he won a landslide victory, both houses, and twice the governorships of the other party, and he’s floundering after dumping all of his advantages in the garbage because he walked away from the base that gave him everything he was given.
He tossed away all of his supporters to shove his damned daughter and his stupid son-in-law down our throats, and he insults us by pretending to care about our problems by conniving with billionaires to steal more of our wealth.
He’s a dumb bully on the international stage, after convincing everyone he wouldn’t be. In office he’s a statist who believes that prosperity comes from government direction, after campaigning on small government. And in office, he just loves his Obamacare and his immigrants, after campaigning like he hated both.
Trump isn’t as much of a “flip-flopper” as he is someone who has no interest at all in helping or representing the base that gave him his victory.
Nobody respects a coward. Nobody respects a con artist. People might think them useful, but they won’t follow such people voluntarily. And they certainly won’t like them.
This is Trump’s real problem. Had he represented his base and just repealed Obamacare, he wouldn’t be having such issues right now. If he would have closed off the US to all immigrants, and actually made real overtures to Russia by forming a bond with them that overcame the last century of hostility, people would be marveling at Trump’s vision and creativity and courage.
Instead, we’re getting more of the same schlock. It’s just the same GOP shuck and jive BS all over again, and nobody, and I mean nobody likes that crap.