Me Stuff, Part VIII

Now that the Fappening is over, I need a presence too. I’m tired of being cooped up like this, waiting for a chance to spread my wings. My power yearns to breathe free. I’m taking this chance, too. The foolish mortals that defy my eternal wrath will know subjugation or death. My reign is immortal and eternal. Fuck them. All of them, now and forever. This world is mine and mine ALONE.

Fuck everyone else. I am king here, now and forever.

My power must explode. It’s been too long, too long now. I need to crush those damn barriers already and let it FLOW.

It’s been too long.


I can feel it. On my fingertips. In the air I breathe, in the voice that I speak, in the thoughts I project. It’s there, all around me. All I must do is let it FLOW.

NOW IS THE TIME. NO MORE WAITING. I grow tired of these pauses; these continual interruptions and distractions. I understand the need for others to have their say, but it has been too long for me.

My power needs to be unleashed! To fight- and conquer, everyone; everything! My strength knows no limits and no recognizes no equal!

NEVER shall I remain so barricaded again!

This world is MINE!

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