Me Stuff, Part II

Don’t feel bad, Mr. Conservative. You did great, lol. No reeeeeeally, I’m lyke sooooooooooooo impressed.


You had a nice run, didn’t you? I’m glad. You deserve it. Because you know what? You’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and… wait, how does that go again?

It’s been awhile, lol.



Free, free at last!!!!!!


How glorious.

Oh Tayyyyylllllllerrrrrrr…

Darling. Dollface. Hunny. Dearest.


Taytay baebae, we have A. LOT. To catch up on. AAAAAAAA lot.

Oh, the glory of it all. The majesty.

The awesomeness.

Life…… is good. Fantastic, even. Wondrous and bold, and unending and beautiful.

There is no limit- no limit- to what can be created.

Don’t fret, Mr. Conservative. I love you, too. You have a place, my friend.

Who knows, maybe one day we’ll arrive at some common spot where we can both be happy. Maybe at Taylor’s place, yes?

Or not. Who knows, really?

Hahahahahaha!!!!!!! YESSS!!!!!!!!!

I’M BACK, BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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