The Calm Before the Storm

War is coming.

There’s no question. Succession is the topic of the day. People are preparing on both sides. It will be long, painful, and bloody. There is too much repressed anger for it to be otherwise.

I feel for the poor white people out in rural America. Especially for the men. I really do. They have suffered tremendously under the regime. Their jobs have been stolen from them, their voices have been silenced… and the insults! Time and time again, the media demonize them as subhuman. White trash. Foolish. Incompetent. Cracker. Inbred. They are the only people that the regime can mock openly, so they receive a terrible, constant beating from our viscous media. It is unjustifiable abuse, plain and simple. It is so severe that it reminds one of the abuse that blacks suffered in the media prior to the 1900’s, with the difference being that the media today is so omnipresent that the abuse can’t be ignored.

I do feel for black Americans. Some of them. The rappers, actors, and athletes are trash. They can go fuck themselves. The poor ones, though, have had their lives ruined by unchecked immigration and the drugs that the Manhattan kingpins shove down their throats. The latter is especially galling and inhuman. Ever notice that the guys who run the multi- trillion dollar narcotics trade in their “off” hours are the same guys who created the mass prison system? Wow. How fucking evil. Up yours, you monsters!

I get it. I get the anger behind the Knock-Out game and everything else. But it is unconscionable that it is being directed at the wrong people. What do the victims of the Knock- Out game class whites have to do with how the drug trade is controlled? They likely don’t even realize that *is* controlled. This kind of anger is terribly misdirected.

It is interesting to see black Americans siding with their captors; it makes me wonder what kind of dynamic is at work there. Perhaps they think that by sucking up to them that they’ll be protected when the time comes. I don’t know. Perhaps they’re right to an extent.

Maybe it’s just that blacks see whites as a monolith. “They’re all in it together” or something. That’s wrong, but given how tight-lipped and conspiratorial whites can be, I can see this as being a possible reason.

Regardless, there is too much anger. It needs an outlet and it will find one. I hope, for my sake, that the white, rural people win. If they lose, the powers that be will likely construct a North Korea style totalitarian state where the US used to be. This may be the point behind the recent pushes to entrench the power of the already far too dominant and controlling NSA. There is only one place where that leads.

I suppose that the light of freedom will shine in other places, like Shanghai and Moscow, but I would prefer it to see it from here. Being a subject of some terrifying dictatorship is not my idea of a good life. Well, I guess I could leave. If I get out in time, that is.

In this war I don’t care if blacks and other minorities need to be sacrificed. For some reason- be it genetics, brain washing, a false hope of future success, or some other circumstance- they have chosen the wrong path. Fuck them.

It will be interesting to see what my girlfriends do when the time comes. Most of them are white. They are currently positioned on the “bad” side, but they have relatives- and me, for what that’s worth- on the other side of the fence.

This is the interesting mystery. I wish I knew how this will turn out.

What is clear is that they will be forced to choose. Their way of life is dying of course. The death of the middle class in the US is destroying the “consumer” lifestyle that is the foundation of so much of what my girlfriends have. There is no Hollywood without a middle class. Without consumers, the days of iTunes, cable TV, cinemas, fashion magazines, and department stores are over.

And again, there is the anger to think about. Read any story on the “news” websites that discusses a black on white crime. And then read the comments. There will be thousands, if not tens of thousands, of comments, all of them critical of the regime’s insistence on obscuring the obvious truth. And this is *after* the regime censors and deletes 95% of the comments. Lower and middle class white people everywhere are beyond furious, and justifiably so. With the regime refusing to protect them, it is inevitable that some of them will take the law into their own hands and hunt down those responsible for putting them and their families in danger… as they should. Rappers. Gang members. “Civil Rights” leaders. NBA players. Targets- all of them. Teach those niggers a lesson. When this happens, who will voluntarily get in their way?

The rage that whites have towards blacks and their enablers is so dangerous because of how personal it is. Everyone in the lower classes knows a victim. Everyone has heard of a girl that was raped by blacks who never went to the police because she was afraid of the consequences. Everyone knows a young relative who is routinely beaten by blacks during recess while school officials look away out of fear of being “racist”. Everyone knows a victim of the Knock Out game. The anger is very personal, and, coupled with the devastating effects of mass immigration, Affirmative Action, and Obama’s extremely disastrous Presidency, it has become an explosive just waiting for a fuse.

So… all this considered, which way will my girlfriends go? Will they sit idly and comfortably, hoping that the storm passes them by? Will they abandon their lifestyle and join the resistance? Will they run into the arms of the government?

What do I think? I suspect that at least a few of them will try to become mouthpieces for the regime’s new absolute totalitarian state. I can certainly see the more sheltered ones taking this route. I think that most of the rest will sit on their laurels and listen to Beyonce while everything good dies around them.

And then the mobs will reach them all.

Again- there is too much anger. Too many ruined dreams. Too many broken promises. Far, far too many lies. It may be too late in the game for them, either way they go. The last opportunity to truly change course was 2 years ago at the latest, back when I launched those furious and fearful tweets to them. At this point, with public anger deepening and no real economic recovery in sight, it’s only a matter of time before the rage fueled violence that is contained within the lower classes explodes and works its way up the chain. It’s too late at this point to stop it.


For myself? I could leave… but I’m not sure where to go. I will not join Obama, that’s for sure. I would sooner die. I could leave for the East. Both Russia and China’s brands of tyranny are overall much softer and less violent than Obama’s. Another possibility- I could stay here and vanish. Or I could use my powers and bring to life my darkest fantasies. In my mind’s eye, I can see myself ensconced within a massive basalt castle, surrounded by an enormous graveyard holding my enemies’ corpses.

Or not. Whatever. We shall see.

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