Another Day, Another Rant, Part II

I reeeeeeally don’t want to write this. I really don’t, but I will anyways, probably just because, I don’t know. Force of habit, maybe.


Well, here we go.

Trump really does need to start doing something for his base, here.

This country just cannot seem any more at this point like an out-of-control empire spiraling down the drain. It’s not so much anymore that we’re seeing things that look like the last days of Rome, it’s more like we’re actually living it, now.

That Kathy Griffin nonsense, for starters. On all sides in that controversy, it was just squabbling oligarchs. That “controversy” was a bunch of rich people fighting for press and twitter attention. This stuff has nothing to do with the on-the-ground reality that people actually live in. I don’t care about any of this, and neither, I think, does anyone else. As always, it’s the deteriorating economy that people are concerned about.

Even the terror attacks aren’t having the effect that they used to. People are becoming numb to them, much like they don’t care about North Korea anymore. It’s background noise.

Gone are the days when a terrorist attack would actually unite a country in some common purpose. Now, they’re just part of the news. I don’t even know the details about the recent attacks in London, and I don’t much care to know them, either. And it’s not out of a sense of repulsion. It’s just boredom at this point.

This is why I think that Trump is just going to keep falling on his face as far as his own voters go. Terrorism is a non-starter these days. People don’t care. This is why all of the GOP’s idiotic bluster about Jerusalem has gotten them nowhere. People are just so fucking sick to death of hearing about fucking Israel that that can’t possibly resonate with the public here.

And that’s it, really. We’re sick of Israel. Just sick of it. I want that damn country out of the fucking headlines because it just NEVER FUCKING LEAVES.

I swear that that damn country has received more attention from our news media over the last 25 years than our own country has. It’s dumb and the public here is just so extremely over it at this point that the only thing that the “Jerusalem” nonsense can possibly do is backfire.

Obviously, Trump’s poll numbers are a reflection of this, as are the declining fortunes of those websites, like Breitbart, who just won’t shut up about fucking Israel and Jesus and the rest of that stupidity.

At some point, Trump is going to need to actually do something for his base. Something that benefits them. Something that shows that he has an interest in the things they care about. At least, he is going to need to do this if he wants to leave office with a shred of affection and respect from the public.

The Paris Accord is just more oligarch nonsense. I don’t care if Trump’s pulling out of that was him actually for once fulfilling one of his campaign promises, and in fact it’s even worse for his base if it was. The only people who are really concerned about climate change are rich people. That controversy, like everything else these days, is an argument between rich Hollywood types and their sycophants and rich CEOs and their stockholders, with both sides being bolstered by “scientists” who are most likely paid to turn out work with certain results. Which side is “in the right”? Who the hell even knows, really. Most likely neither one of them.

Trump’s pulling out of that treaty or whatever was probably a gift to the oil barons and CEOs of the energy companies. It sure as hell wasn’t an act done out of concern for the working classes, that’s for sure. Anything that benefits big energy benefits the oligarchs the most. Most people in this country are not named “Rockefeller”.

If pulling out of that Paris treaty or whatever was Trump fulfilling one of his campaign promises, than shame, shame on Trump, or perhaps on those simpletons who voted for him. This goes to show everyone what a fool’s errand it is to even vote for these clowns.

In that case, what we’re seeing here is Trump gifting his fellow oligarchs and plutocrats something while denying the people who actually pulled the lever for him as much as table scraps. With this act, Trump is making it very clear where his preferences and real loyalties lie. The message here is one of Trump and his close personal friends and family getting what they want while everyone else has to sit and beg for a chance at a pat on the head. This crap is deeply humiliating to everyone gullible enough to vote and it just DOESN’T FUCKING END.

To make my point obvious, the rich get their campaign promises fulfilled, while everyone else is being told to take a hike and wait for the next Republican administration. You know, standard issue GOP practices, in other words. Like I laid out before, there is essentially no difference between Trump and any other GOP president since Nixon. They are all the same, every one, and that will never, ever change.

Ditto for the bills that Trump just passed giving the police and veterans more support, as if anyone out there actually wants any of that. Fuck the police. They are there to protect the regime. They care about themselves and their bloated paychecks and their cushy retirement plans that EVERYONE ELSE pays for without so much as a “thanks” from them, those assholes.

The police in this country are regarded as predators and egotistical assholes most especially, I think, by Trump’s base. They are clearly working for the rich, not for the public that actually pays their salaries.

And I’m getting really tired of veterans worship, too, and I think that everyone else is. Those “veterans” who guarded the heroin fields in Afghanistan and those who trained ISIS and those who fought alongside Al-Queda in Libya and elsewhere do not deserve my support, thank you very much, and they sure as hell don’t deserve my money, either. Fuck them.

So, with that being said, at what point is Trump and his gaggle of nepotists and plutocrats going to do something for the people who allowed them into the Oval Office? Or is that not what we do, anymore? I kid, of course, because I’m sure we all know the answer to that at this point.

You know, five months in, and I still cannot believe how much attention the Trump admin is getting, and how extremely little any of it has to do with anything at all that people were concerned about during the elections.

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