Relationship Stuff

Just a quick update on all of this- it’s pretty much done, at this point. Just to let people know.

I finally got rid of all the mental barriers that were standing in the way of me basically getting the world I want, I think. All I need to do at this point is I think practice with my new mentality and I’ll get whatever it is that I focus on.

I mean, I think this time is for real for real. It really feels final, like there is just no more that I can discover about relationships. It feels finished in even the details. And considering how much of a perfectionist I am, that’s saying something.

It’s done, basically. It’s finally done.

All I need now is to arrange things and people around a bit, like moving the furniture. And practice, of course. But this is it.

I think that others realize this, too. I’ve noticed a marked change in things in the past few weeks from the girls that I’ve fantasized about. I think that they know it, too, even if they don’t understand the details of course.

So, it’s finished. Solidified.

I want to make sure that people know this, and I want to make sure that this message goes out to EVERYONE.

Everyone, listen, and listen well. DO NOT put yourself or any family member out there as fantasy bait for me unless you are ABSOLUTELY SURE that you have no problem with me fucking that person in real life.

I want to make this very, very clear.


Yes, I am shouting, but it is absolutely necessary. I want to make it very clear what is happening. These days, when I fuck someone, I re-arrange the universe around said fantasy. Not too much, each time, but it slightly happens, every time. And the effect seems to be cumulative, and this time there truly is no going back.

If you are married to a chick, and I fuck her in my imaginary world, and I keep doing it, she may literally leave you for me IRL, even if you or/and I doesn’t want that to actually happen. This is not an idle threat. Please consider this as a very strong possibility. Guys- ESPECIALLY guys, since they don’t have much exposure to me and don’t really know who I am, at all- you really have to take this seriously. The “universe shifting” happens even when I don’t consciously “choose” it to happen, sometimes.

The best way to approach this is to think about it as if I was a god, which I might well be, in fact. I still think it a possibility that I might be the Anti-Christ.

Would you let your wife fuck the Anti-Christ? Would you ENCOURAGE that? Please think about this!

At any rate, I am done. I have said my piece. Whomever I fantasize about is who I shall receive. And the mortals who stand in my way… won’t.

I trust there are no objections.

Life is what we make it to be. In my case, that’s literally all it is, it seems. My intent, and nothing else.

Please keep this in mind.

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