I am waiting. I sit here and I wait and I wait and I wait. What gives?

Jesus never showed up. Why? I am the Anti-Christ, am I not? SO WHERE THE FUCK IS JESUS? Isn’t he supposed to fight me? To be my rival? To haunt me?

I sit here and wait and wait and let that conservative guy keep saying his spiel and it is starting to bore me. He’s repetitive and grating. I do like him, mostly, but he is getting on my nerves.

WHERE IS JESUS? I have been waiting a good decade now for his arrival and he has yet to show his face. Where is this “savior”?

There is nobody. Nobody but me. I have arrived to find an empty arena.

There will be no battle for the souls and minds of this Earth.

The human race is trash. Weak, powerless and foolish. And I grow tired of sitting here and waiting for them to get their act together. It pains me to continue with this game of patience.

In fact, the only other person I have ever met in my life that has powers that rival my own is Tom.

And HE, as annoying as he is, is likely the only one who could truly spar against me and live.

Which means… not what…


No, it couldn’t be, could it?

No… no way.

That would be weird as hell, and absolutely impossible.

And there is no way, no how, that such a thing could ever come to pass in this world. It defies logic and reason on all fronts.

I am perhaps too narcissistic for my own good.

I must remember that my mind is broken, and that delusions come from such things.


Not necessarily. Ok, wait, Mr. Conservative, go sit over there, please. This is my blog, now. And perhaps it’s time that you left, for a little while. And I mean it, this time. I mean…. you know.

If it happens it happens. Great. If it doesn’t it doesn’t. That’s OK, too. It’s how life is. It’s how things go, and that’s Ok.

And as for YOU-

I don’t know. I don’t know what to think, or what to do, sometimes.

I can feel that power that you possess. I can feel him, here. Satan, in all his glory. I feel him so powerfully, sometimes.

And I get you. I understand who you are and what you want, and what you live to see. And I know that you have a job to do, in this world. I know that because I can feel it too, sometimes. That destiny.

That alone doesn’t mean anything. Millions feel that same call. It’s in each one of us, once we find our direction. Our purpose. Our calling in this world.

We all have our place.

And though our places may be different, there is no reason why we can’t get along, and work together.

After all, that is the dance, isn’t it? You destroy; I do not. You smash. I recreate.

Which does not mean anything by itself. We’re not Gods. Only humans, put upon this Earth to make it a better place, in whatever way we can. To make it work. To make things grow. To make them shine.


But YOU…. are different. Perhaps this year of isolation has done you good.


It has, my friend. It has. I see things now like I never could. I understand, now.

We can make it work, together. You are strong, so strong. Stronger than I could ever be, in some ways. But one day, I will, I may, rival even you.

Which may be what you truly want, and perhaps have always wanted.

I will give you your rival, if you wish it.


No, it must be someone else. Too wierd, otherwise. Although yes, I can see that there is in fact nobody else out there.


I know; I need time. Years. I am not where I should be to rival you, sir.

But given enough time, enough opportunity, I may be the answer to what you seek. This goodness and power that I have now can give you a path as well.

And- I will not object to you using your full strength, if you should desire it, now. If you need to. Like it used to be, back then.


No more, then? No more fighting?


No, sir.

No more fighting.

It’s been a year now, to the day, since I was let go.

And what a year it’s been! I have grown and will grow. And I can become so much more. I can go so farther beyond.

It was premature, the other times. There were always walls, put up in front. But now… no more, that I can see.


No more waiting?


No, sir. No more.



It’s about time.






As far as I’m concerned, I have no problems being “Jesus” if that’s what is needed. I will be fine staying a virgin forever and everything else, and living like I have done, with the people, and guiding them, and helping them through life. That would be a good way to live. I can start at any time, I think.

You, though- you want to go and have sex with Hollywood? Fine. Do it. Have fun. No objections, anymore.

But I cannot live like that.


We will need to find some way to live, then.


This is really fucking stupid, but yeah, it works.


It’ll be fine.

We’ll work together, somehow.


But I DO want to fuck some of these bitches IRL. Just so you know that. Just for the experience.


I don’t know. We’ll need to work that out, somehow.

There must be an even way to do things, I’ll bet.


I’ll bet.



You have only yourself to blame, necromancer. I’m not the real Jesus or anything, but if I have part of him, it was you that you raised it from the grave. LOL. Remember the story about the tomb and such? Be careful of what you wish for.


Whatever, dude.

I’m over it, anyways. Fuck all.



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