One more thought: they had their chance.
The oligarchs had a slim window with Trump with which to do something to save their system.
But, they didn’t take it. Instead, they dicked around for 6 months and did nothing of any consequence.
Trump was put into office in the middle of this nation’s greatest economic decline, and from day 1, he refused to take any stands or make any hard choices. Instead, he handed responsibilities off to his extremely unqualified kids and golfed for apparently months on end.
Sure, he introduced bills, but even then, he refused to support them or even stand by them. Hence, his own party didn’t support them and they went nowhere. And hell, why wouldn’t they? Nobody asked for those bills, anyways. They’re not what anyone wants, or needs, for that matter.
And I’m not even going to reiterate the dumbness of Trump’s overseas ventures, and the grating repetitiveness of his military worship, or the predictability of his new War on Drugs.
The elites in this country don’t get it, even now. This country is in a terminal decline. All the data supports this. Private debt is at all-time highs, the auto industry is drying up, the malls are closing, gasoline usage is down, way way down, full time jobs are disappearing, etc., and so on and so on.
And in the midst of all this, this nation’s “business leaders” can’t find the maturity to sit down and have a real, honest discussion or work together to fix anything, or even to find a direction.
I’m referring here to the breakup of Trump’s business councils, or whatever those were. Even if those produced no results (and they didn’t), they still were at least a symbol that the rich people understood that something was wrong. But, predictably, they disbanded at the first possible excuse, and of course, it was everyone’s favorite catch-all excuse, “racism”. I guess now they can go back to counting their money, or whatever else it is that those types do.
Guys, you have way, way bigger problems on your plate then whatever it was that happened in Virginia. Just look around.
Steve Bannon came out of hiding today with some telling comments. He blasted conservatives- i.e. white ethnic Midwesterners and Southerners trying to defend their culture- as being “losers”. More here:
He also stressed the importance of fighting a trade war with China, as though we hadn’t lost that 20 years ago, once our entire manufacturing base had finished being shipped over there.
A choice quote from Bannon: “We’re at economic war with China,” he added. “It’s in all their literature. They’re not shy about saying what they’re doing. One of us is going to be a hegemon in 25 or 30 years and it’s gonna be them if we go down this path. On Korea, they’re just tapping us along. It’s just a sideshow.”
The Chinese already won the war that Bannon is referring to, of course. Their silk road project this year pretty much confirms it. Note that all of the US government’s recent initiatives like that (see: TPP) have been puked up by the rest of the world. And the Chinese alliance with Russia and their developing business ties to get access to Russia’s resources seals the deal. The Chinese won. In that regard, they are distinctly unlike us, who have tried as hard as possible to alienate the largest and most resource-rich nation in the world, over gay marriage, I guess, or some other dumb, childish reason.
The Chinese have actual savings, the world’s manufacturing base, and the world’s largest country joined at their hip. And they have 4 times our people, and none of those are illiterate Africans or Mexicans. They have a secular, responsible leadership, an atheistic outlook and culture, and no external debt.
We have a rotting, indebted empire, and a public up to it’s eyeballs in economic problems the likes of which the world has never seen. And we have no leadership, save for religious nonsense, whether that takes the form of Christianity or whatever it is that the multi racialists believe in.
The general takeaway from all of this that I see is that the elites are, finally, starting to panic, although they still don’t have a firm grip on how much they themselves are going to need to sacrifice, now, if they don’t want to be strung up come the revolution.
Trump’s economic counsels were almost undoubtedly what you would expect from such things, I would imagine. They were probably just groups of rich people that met to discuss further ways to fuck over the citizenry here, or something similar to that. But- they at least showed that the elites knew that something was wrong. At least.
I’ll not mourn their passing.
The oligarchs here have to deal with that problem, I think. They have a terrible, terrible reputation. It’s so bad that it’s spread overseas. Nobody wants their plans, because they work people to death in miserable, hellish conditions so that they can live it up in luxury. The business leaders in this country, Trump included, are some of the most vile and despicable people in this world. No morals, no decency, nothing good about them, at all. They’re slave drivers and scumbags, all of them.
This is the reason that such huge numbers of young men have lately opted out of the workforce. Working a job in this country is a literal nightmare. Working of course was never supposed to be pleasant, but rarely in the past was it as horrifying and soul-destroying as it is today.
And all of this, so that those rich fuckers can add a few more billion to their offshore bank accounts? Fuck that, and fuck them. All of them, Trump included. He and everyone in his administration can go fuck themselves.
And that is the problem, isn’t it? The people of this world have a choice, now. They can go with the slave drivers and all around greedy as hell, warmongering and traitorous lot that runs the show here, or they can roll the dice and go with the Chinese instead. And really, who can blame them for signing up with the Chinese?
The people outside the US aren’t blind, or dumb. They know fully well how badly the corporations here treat their employees, and how little people are paid here for a honest day’s work. They’re not dumb. And they see very well how miserable and depressed our workforce is.
With that in mind, WHY would they want the people here to run the show in their own countries? Why would ANYONE do that, willingly?
And so, the Russians, and the Chinese, continue to make economic inroads into the countries that once swore allegiance to the US. And honestly, why the hell wouldn’t they?
The whole appeal of the United States was that it was supposed to be the “shining city on the hill”. In other words, it was supposed to be one where the people on top earnestly worked to ensure that economic inequality was kept to a minimum, and that workers were treated fairly and paid a decent wage, relative to what they could do. Without that, the US is just another country, albeit one with a big, angry, aggressive military and with the debt to prove it.
The reason that the oligarchs here keep pushing the “military” button is that they refuse to see this problem for what it is, so that they doesn’t have to put forth the work to get a solution of some kind out there.
Hence, also, the drive for “equality”, which is always of the RACIAL kind, and never the ECONOMIC kind, which was of course how it used to be understood, back when people knew what made a country rich and successful.
As it stands, the oligarchs are in a hellish bind, and for them, there is no way out.