Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part XLVII

A lot of people have said a lot of things about Trump’s DACA thing, today. But as far as I can tell, nobody has said anything about the only issue that really matters, here.

Are we a democracy, or not?

And if we’re not, than why should anyone care about any of these losers in politics?

The demographic that matters here is the same one that always matters the most. White, working class men. The people who vote. The people who run the vast majority of our nation’s businesses. The people who will ultimately decide the future of the country.

Are they going to get what they voted for, for once? Or are they not? And if they’re not, than why the hell should any of them care one bit about Trump, or Obama, or any of those idiots?

I saw much of the press conference that Trump’s spokeswoman gave, and read the comments from Trump today. And I read what Obama said, and what the celebrities said, and about what the media outlets were saying. Not one person- not even ONE- framed this issue correctly.

This issue is not about “opportunity”. It’s not about children, or even immigration. It’s about whether or not the white, working class male demo is going to stay loyal to the empire or not.

Are we a democracy, or are we not? And if we’re not, than what is the point?

Trump, as usual, punted. Just like I said so many times earlier, he’s a Bush with a different haircut.

The oligarchs just continue to dig themselves in deeper and deeper.

It would have been better, and easier, and more logical, for them to have simply bowed to the power of the working classes and ended DACA on day 1 of Trump’s admin.

As it stands, the oligarchs need to get the fuck over themselves, and fast.

They are in danger here of losing everything, and they will, the second the white working classes say, finally, to hell with the empire and the assholes that run it. At that moment, the party is over, and it ain’t never coming back.

This- THIS- is the thing to fear, here. Fuck all other concerns. Those can and should be shelved.

Trump had better pray that people take to him over all of this hurricane bullshit. He’d better pray that this North Korea nonsense actually works. If it doesn’t, he’s doomed, and so are the rest of them.

The clock is ticking.

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