Pointless, Stupid Violence from Blacks

I have nothing else to do and my mind is finally clear, so let’s talk about this.

If you fucks- by which I mean whomever is reading this- cannot fix the problem of this country being inundated with swarms of stupid, impulsive, incomprehensibly violent niggers, than I will do it for you.

That is both a promise and a threat.

Frankly, I have had it. I’m sick of the daily reports of blacks murdering whites simply because blacks seem to be inherently hateful and violent and the accompanying lack of response from any of our “leaders”. Or from the public at large.

You’ve had your chance. I’ve given all of you years to fix this problem, and noone has bothered to try since I offered the challenge. Fine, I will fix it myself, in my own way.

I have a feeling that many are not going to like “my own way”. I am a necromancer, not a politician. I don’t play by others’- by your- rules.

But since I seem to be the only adult in this country, so be it.

As I said, you had your chances. Years of them. That you failed to capitalize is your own fault.

Alright. So.

That’s it. Don’t expect more; why would I reveal my secrets or plans to you?

Fuck you.

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