Taylor Swift, Part II

I just rechecked Swifty’s Instagram. It looks like she deleted the text I was referring to earlier. Hmmm… I wonder why. Maybe she thought it would go over her fans’ heads.

Oh well. You can’t have too much depth from a pop star, right? Need to keep the masses dumb and spending.

I hope she didn’t delete the text because of the political background of Cummings.

Wow, I can’t believe I just typed that. Everything is politics these days, isn’t it? It’s just amazing. It seems as though you can’t write seriously on any topic today without first analyzing it from a political angle. I guess that’s a consequence of having such a huge and omnipresent government. Wherever you go, there it is, so it needs to be talked about.

I want an end to political interference in everything. I want to write about social topics without having to spend half the blog post talking about government, but I guess that that will wait until it’s possible.

Blah blah blah blah.

Sigh. Back to politics again.

The inevitable happened recently. It looks like there was a major stand off between militia groups and the government, and, interestingly, the government lost. The militia groups that organized in Nevada were able to chase away Obama’s henchmen without too much trouble at all. What a welcome change.

I remember the standoffs between the regime and militia groups back in the nineties. Back then, the regime always won.

Things are going to turn out differently this time. The militias are better organized, better armed, and more motivated now than ever. And, crucially, there is more of them.

The regime’s persistent, sadomasochistic abuse of rural people has created fertile ground for powerful resistance movements there. We’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg of this. The future is going to be interesting.

Which, of course, brings me back to my “girlfriends”. Ugh.

They’re not going to change, of course. They’re going to ride the system down into oblivion, even if it means that some of them will meet their ends swinging from a lamppost. Where, for example, is Scarlett Johansson’s apology for helping to elect the creature in the White House? He will be recorded as the worst politician in American history, and maybe in global history. I deserve an apology, at minimum, for being put into the position that she has put me in. Same with Katy Perry, Olivia Wilde, and the rest. The real world consequences of their actions have been to spread misery and horror all across the US, if not the world. Where is the apology?

Frankly, at this point, I wouldn’t mind if Johansson, Wilde, et al. were lined up against a wall and machine gunned. I don’t care. Honestly, since these people seem determined to make my real world life as bad as possible in every way, why should I?

Ugh. Hollywood looks so, so *AWFUL* right now. I hate being associated with them. Hollywood people look like they’re out of touch fools at best, and inhuman tyrants at worst. And they continue, day after day, comment after dumb comment, to dig themselves deeper. What are they thinking!?!?

In so many ways, the regime’s failures in Nevada are similar to all of it’s other embarrassments and failures lately. The US establishment thinks much too highly of itself. It thinks it can run the world on words alone, with no moral authority at all to back up anything it says. It thinks that it can simply walk into other people’s lives and run them in detail because it says so. And, by the way, if you don’t want the government controlling your life and recording everything you do you’re being an oppressor (!) and you hate freedom (!).

And while I’m ranting, just what is the deal with Hollywood’s continuing embrace of hip- hop? Just yesterday I noticed a bit of gossip about Michelle Trachtenberg cozying up to someone named Kid Cudi.

This is, for me, the sticking point. We all have a different one. This one is mine.

It galls me to no end to see people who are supposed to be my friends cozying up to the monsters in the hip-hop “community”. People like Kid Cudi are the ones who actively encourage things like the Knock Out game and polar pear hunting. They are responsible for a huge amount of despair and violence directed at innocent people. Seeing Michelle with Cudi makes me wonder what kind of a person she actually is, and whether she has any love or respect for her fanbase at all.

This is the reason why I don’t understand the Beyonce worship either. Do my “friends” in Hollywood realize that this person is married to Jay-Z, who is another one of those who actively whips up violence against the whites who make up Hollywood’s fanbase? WTF are these idiots thinking?

I broke off my friendship with Miley over this stuff. This is not a game. You can’t expect to side with those who successfully encourage violence against your own fanbase and still have fans.

My “friends” in Hollywood look, again, like fools at best in that situation. Which puts them in the same basket as everyone else in the American establishment. Bunch of stupid, ignorant, sheltered, disrespectful idiots.

I REALLY need Germany, Russia et al. to break US hegemony so I dump these people and move on with my life. I would also like the militias here to crack some skulls. There’s nobody that deserves that more than the regime and it’s thugs.

Which kinda brings me back too… the ostensible subject of this post, Ms. Taylor Swift. She is the one that really interests me. Unfortunately, like a number of others, I see red flags popping up concerning her career, and possibly her herself.

She seems intent on burying herself deeper into the establishment, which is the wrong move if she wants to stay relevant, since nobody actually likes the US these days besides the mass of parasites on the federal teat.

The US regime is an enormous ship that has run out of fuel and is taking on water from the holes in it’s credibility. It is going down, and there’s no stopping it.

If Taylor can’t establish herself *outside* the ship, she will sink to the bottom alongside the rest of them.

I think that that possibility was the reason why Taylor was so popular when she started out. It seemed like she would be the one who could do this, so she was a safe bet for the people who didn’t like the regime and who harbored deep suspicions about it’s long term viability.

As time goes on, though, it’s becoming apparent that this isn’t going to be her destiny. Perhaps “Red” was the peak of her career. We’ll see what the next album brings. If she missteps, she will be tossed aside by an angry public hungry for a real icon who can deliver something that actually speaks to the times.

The great pop culture bloodbath of the post-Obama era is coming. We’ll see which of the current crop of Hollywood stars actually has a legitimate career after it, if in fact any of them will. Perhaps they will all become punchlines.

Or worse.

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