Lexi Jayde, Part II

… oh.

Wow. No kidding.

Ok then.

Lexi? We… need to talk. Yeah, I didn’t think we needed to either, but here we are.


You know guys… I was going to talk about the fires and everything and I will, but… I’m really not in the mood. See I’ve been stewing about something for awhile now and I wanted to chat about that thing, first. But not necessarily in the way that I thought I was going to.

Life is so weird, lol.

Ok. So let’s get on with it. There’s this video:

Yeah I know, it’s just this dumb video about Stefanie Scott, yeah I know. lol. I mean like, yeah. I know! lol.

But… this was the video that introduced me to her. I was trying to find it so I could write about it the other day but gave up after a few seconds, lol. I think I got sidetracked by all the stuff the algorithm gave me, haha.

But… I did find this, though. This one, here:

See, I was going to talk about this, too. I mean there’s Kelli, yeah, and Audrey, but I was going to use this as a example of The Way Things Used To Be, you know with it being made made in 2012 and everyone was all informal and happy. And of course it was the happiness that got me into the group, and got me… happy to be there. This was back in 2012, when everything was best. God damn, Audrey kicked ass, lol. I mean she’s not really in the running any more super unfortunately but like… Kelli is.

Am I greedy? lol. Oh Audrey. Come back to me, dearest!!!! I have cookies. No you can’t have any, those are for me. But I do have them, lol. I still have ur ukulele videos dahling. Shupa cute.

I mean I have Kira but she doesn’t really do ukulele anymore and…

Wait, what the fuck am I talking about?

Oh yeah, Lexi. Kelli? No Lexi. Right.

So… notice how both of these came from the same youtube channel? Hollywood Teen ‘Zine. Which… I thought about DLing while I still had the chance. See I used to use this as a thing back then- you know, for research- and seeing it now brings back memories. Not a lot, but some, and the ones I feel are good. They’re pleasant, and they make me all warm and fuzzy. Like I belong.

It’s like seeing I guess a high school yearbook for the first time in ten years, and leafing through it. And you were popular back then. And everyone inside was your friend.

A better feeling one can’t have, not for any amount of money. Total satisfaction. Pride. See those people, there? I made them happy. Each and every one of them. Take THAT, motherfuckers! It’s… nice. Humbling, oddly enough. It’s hard to put into words. This was the height of the things I now realize I liked best. Yeah. Very humbling. It might never be so fun again.

But… Audrey. NO Lexi. Lexi. Right.

So- I guess Ms. Lexi Jayde was apparently an interviewer for this very channel! WTF! But that is what google tells me. I don’t remember her, but I mean, I wasn’t looking. I was there for Kathy. McNamara of course. Not Newton. I mean, I had her twitter for that.

It’s complicated.

But… wow. Apparently this YT channel was owned by Lexi’s aunt! WTF!

So I guess I must’ve known Lexi for quite awhile, maybe a very long while, and not known it. I mean, I used their website too of course, not just the YT channel. So if google is right and Lexi was involved with all of this when she was a kid then yeah I must’ve known Lexi from the time she was quite young. I mean I was likely that channel and site’s biggest fan. I saw everything and I mean everything on it, and those videos do not have many views.

WTF, lol.

God damn, this shit just… IDK. I don’t get it. So is Lexi and me developing a relationship now just… serendipity? I mean did I… make this? Make her? I mean, her career.

Like I apparently did the others?

Or is this again just some weird coincidence? You know, like the outlandish ones that happen to me for some reason on a constant basis?

How long has Lexi actually known me?

I suppose I could go through the videos, one by one, and watch them to find out. Go through my old bookmarks. Look for evidence. Piece together our history together, since apparently we have one.


No. Fuck it.



Nice legs.


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