Oh man, I just passed out, lol. That fentanyl is such great stuff. Love it, lol.
IDK, this is dumb. I mean even her family has at this point moved on, probably. I mean they knew longer than I sure did, but still…
Whatever, it’s just dumb. Gawd if only I was dead too… I’m so jealous, Cady. She gets to go on to some other place and I’m stuck here in this shithole, lol. Blah, yuck. I hate this. I wonder what she would think of me. She’d probably be sad, I guess because that’s what people become when others die. Seems an odd response, considering.
Wow tho, that sure is good stuff. Ahhhhhhhh how wonderful. Narcotics make even this life passable. So nice.
If I’m going to die I just wish things would hurry up, haha. Seriously. Whyyyyyy is it taking so long for me to kick the bucket? I wonder how long it took alcohol to kill Cady. Years, it seems like. Hopefully it won’t take that long with me.
Gawd I’m dumb. Haha, lol.
Whatevs. Yeah fine. I think I’ll get zonked out again and wait for dinner. Nothing else to do, these days.
Ah yes, the life of a junky is just soooo glamorous, lol.
My skin feels like it’s burning again. Wonderful. I guess that’s… inflammation? Probably my body trying to process the drug.
Whatever. It doesn’t matter anyways.