Pointless, Stupid Violence from Blacks, Part II

I was trying to decide, just now. Should I make “Pointless, Stupid Violence from Blacks” into a series, or start a new one? I was also thinking of titling this post “The United States is a Disgusting Shithole”, but thought against it at the last second. Was it a wise decision? IDK, we’ll see how this one plays out.

Well, the title kind of explains itself, yeah? It looks like the “black community” is having a record- breaking year when it comes to inner city homicides across the nation. Wonderful people, they are. It’s just so… enriching, knowing that I need to know how to fight and kill to feel even somewhat safe on the streets at night, because of all the enrichment. It’s just sooooo enriching. Do you feel enriched? Because I can’t even emphasize the enrichness of the enriching I feel. U S A! U S A!! Muh freeeeedumb!!!

IDK, I mean… I could go on, and on, blah blah. Whatever. Blacks are too violent, we know. Blacks are too dumb and lazy, we know. They don’t read, don’t think, don’t care to try to pretend to care about anything but themselves, we know. Blah blah.

And ever so, the media just looks dumb and dumberer on a daily basis when it comes to anything racial, we know. They all fucking suck, all of them, just like all of our politicians, everywhere. They all fucking suck, we know. They always will, we know. The same with all of our businesses and business leaders. There are no good ones, anywhere. They are all idiots at best, genocidal traitorous idiots at worst (like Soros, etc. You know.)

So, whatever. I don’t envy the stupid fuckheads in the media. They must live in fear every night, the lot of them. The fear of being found out, of being held accountable. Quite a few of them I’m sure are nervous wrecks, which probably explains why they have become even more shrill and pushy than usual lately.

And I think they do look scared. You can see it in the talking heads whenever someone goes even slightly off script, for any reason. You can see what looks like terror in their eyes. Perhaps some don’t catch this but for whatever reason I can.

The New York Times is just worthless gibberish these days, not fit even for catching bird shit. They actively try to hide their mistakes, of course, and get caught, constantly, by the watchful eyes of independent thinkers, you know, by “trolls”, when they try to go back and change their articles and statements after the fact without disclosing to the public what they are doing. Of course, I’m sure they all do it, but the NYT is the “paper of record!!!!!” blah blah blah.

It’s all shit. Whatever, who cares. Like all things that don’t involve Israel, it isn’t important, right, guys?

Honestly, fuck these shitheads.

I don’t care who Trump puts on the supreme court, or if he even does. Anyone he picks is going to suck, they are all the same, basically, except for small gradients here and there on this or that minor policy. I heard tho that his (or Israel’s?) picks were apparently especially odious to his base. IDK, I don’t know who they were. But that’s probably some ploy. Like, they’ll trot out the rumor of him picking somebody hideous, and then his supporters will breath a sigh of relief when it’s someone slightly less hideous. I mean, “At least it wasn’t so-and-so!” They’ll gab. Whatever, it’s all shit.

Nothing will get done about anything important; it doesn’t matter.

But back on track, blacks are still rampaging around the cities and picking off white people at random. I mean, I know, right? Of course they are, that’s what they do. But apparently they’re doing it more than usual these days since there are less police around. Things are getting so bad that some idiots in the media and the political spectrum are complaining about the police not doing their jobs and such, lol. And apparently these are the same people that supported BLM and the defund the police movements and all of that crap. Whatever, it’s on twitter, somewhere. I could look through my history and find it I guess but nah, why bother.

Apparently some celebs are taking facebook to task for “Not doing enough about hate!!!!!” which of course means in people speak “some concerned citizens in the public are trying to warn others about the dramatic rise in black violence”. This makes the celebs look dumb, of course. I think it’s Selena Gomez and maybe Taylor Swift doing this. IDK if Taylor is. But I think Selena is. Bless her heart, she’s cute and well meaning, but unfortunately not as smart as some, which, when I come to think about it, is a pretty good way to describe most celebs. IDK, maybe that’s my type, lol. But whatever, they look dumb to all but the people that inhabit the twittersphere, which I remind you is holding on for dear life at the bottom of the top 50 websites list.

But yeah, they…… reallllly overestimate, I think, the appeal of BLM and the riots in general. Like, very much so. I don’t think they quite realize how much this is costing them. But, whatever. They have money, and since this country does not have economic mobility, that means they don’t need to do any real thinking or take any real stands anymore. They’re a part of the 1%, and that is where they will stay, no matter the circumstances. And I mean that without exaggeration- to have money in this country means you are above the law, above any kind of real scrutiny, provided you don’t annoy Israel.

blah blah blah blah blah why even bother typing this crap. Who cares, let this place sink.

I guess I just need to vent.

If I’m to die, I suppose I’m taking those bastards with me, lol.

Yeah, why not. I’ll make this a series just to let off steam, or something. Why not. They do what they want without thinking about consequences, why not me?

Sure. Whatever.

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