You know what I mean! How DARE you!
Look, ok. SO.
Ok so I had this like thing tonight. Like I went through and tried to piece all of this shit together because like WHOKNOWS when all of this shit started when I realized something. Like. You people- you know who you are- used ME as a template for fucking REGINA GEORGE. Fuck…………………. YOU.
Ok like I had this whole thing planned out when like I realized this shit and I CAN’T BELIEVE this. I mean it’s not bad but… I just… I can’t… BELIEVE this. I mean, you MUST have. I mean there’s like literally no other way this could be. RAAAAAAACHEL?????
I mean, you get it, right? You…….. you know. Like, YOU KNOW. And you know you know! You know?
I can’t BELIEVE this shit!!!
I mean, of course I can tho. So, like, whatevs. But, you know what I mean.
So whatevs.
But it’s just…
I mean… it’s hard to fathom this stuff.
It’s just really hard.
It’s like it’s starting to hit home. It’s like, I get it now. So much of it, I get it now. The years and years of this shit. Decades upon decades of it. It’s like… I understand. So many experiences. So many revelations and… revealings. And understandings. And comeuppances and evolutions. It’s like… I get it. I can hardly believe it and don’t want to but there’s no way that it isn’t what it is. And I can get it, because it… is. And what is, is.
You know?
Oh man. Guyyyyyysssssss. So what, then, ISN’T me? I mean, what made in the last, say, 25 years, isn’t?
I’ll tell you what isn’t. Most of it, it seems, until like 2008. Previous to then it seems like only the movies my girlfriends were involved in- like Mean Girls and… all the rest of them, were… powerfully me-ish. I think.
I….. think. I don’t know though, I need to do more thinking I think.
This is all just so… overwhelming. Yikes.
I can’t get it, but I mean I can, because it’s just… it. And it being it, that’s just it. It’s like that’s it, and that’s that. You know?
Ok so, I’m like Regina George. Holy shit, people.
I mean I know Katy Perry already told me this, once, but I didn’t believe her but jeebus, people.
Am I… that bad?
I mean I can’t be. I mean there’s no way I’m that bad. I mean, with all of this. The… meanness. Connivingness. The cruelties, and such.
Ah… yeah. Though.
Yeah ok, I get it.
Well… off to bed, then.