May as well put this one in as a “Part I” because it’s not like there won’t be more to this series, lol.
So apparently I need genetic testing because of some… problems I’ve been having. And my doctors are so horrified by what they see in me that they want the full raft of possible tests- everything, the most possible testing they can get. Full spectrum- genes, chromosomes, everything. Basically, because I have so many weird, undefinable problems. Or something. Or maybe they just think like everyone else that I’m some kind of collasal fuckup and they’re trying to find out why, lol.
Ugh, whatever. Life sucks.
I have some time off the end of this week so I’m going to go ahead and drown myself in narcotics this weekend, because why not. Because Gawd damn it, I deserve it.
There, see? My life is great, wonderful. I love it!!!
Thank god things are going so well!!! Progress is progress as they say.
Right, good.