If I’m remembering correctly, I once wrote a series of articles here on what the political class needed to do to appear less stupid, toxic and hostile. IDK, it might have been spread out over an array of articles, but I distinctly remember the gist of the articles I wrote, and I definitely remember the one conclusion I came to.
Basically, the political class needed to do one thing if it wanted to survive, over time. They needed to integrate white men, especially working class white men, into the system. They needed, I preached, to stop what they were doing and tend to their needs, first, for once. So they could at least make an attempt at seeming even-handed.
For whatever reason, nobody listened to me. In fact, it seems that the more I emphasized this point, the greater the system’s antipathy and hatred of white men increased. It was baffling, at least to me.
Integration is an easy thing to accomplish. You need to 1) show respect, 2) listen, 3) have patience, and 4) accommodate. It’s quite easy. I’m great at it; I have literally hundreds of girlfriends. It’s child’s play if you know what you are doing, and some success should be easy for anyone of average intelligence if you put some effort into it.
They… didn’t put any effort into it. And I mean, like literally. None at all, like zero percent. It’s baffling; I don’t understand what they are doing. I’m not sure anyone does.
This stuff isn’t rocket science. You just need to approach things with maturity. You know? Like an adult. It’s baffling. It’s like ALL of our leaders are mindless children! ALL OF THEM!!!! Holy shit, lol.
But seriously, I don’t understand any of this. Nothing the politicians in this country do makes any sense. Am I alone in this? Surely I can’t be.
For awhile, I turned this over in my mind. Did they perhaps misunderstand me? I don’t know. Maybe to them “integrate” means something very, very different than it does to me. And, it seems, to white men as a whole.
Maybe all of… THIS, this shitshow we see before us, then, IS their attempt at it! Ha!!! The mind boggles. And worries. LOL. But seriously, what if THAT is what they are doing? Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!! Good Lord, how dumb can you be? LOL.
I don’t know. But… maybe it is, lol. Or maybe they didn’t listen to me, at all. Could be, but I doubt it. I’m sure they did, if only to steal ideas.
Basically, what they should have done, if they had in fact wanted to do this, would have been to follow the same template they used with blacks. You know, respect them, their history, their idols and beliefs. Just… be an adult about it. Practice diplomacy. You know, diplomacy? That thing politicians used to think was their job.
Instead, we just get years of violent, rioting niggers, a shabbos goyim president who twiddles his thumbs and tweets like a dumbbass until Netanyhu snaps his fingers and orders him to do something for Israel, a media that just makes up random shit whenever they feel like it, and a bunch of pedophile worshiping creepy cultish bizarrities. And other kinds of garbage. Just junk that nobody with an ounce of moral fortitude of intelligence respects. And all of that MeToo crapola. Remember that trash? LOL. A bunch of women come forth with stories, true or not, about being victimized by privileged Jews, and then blame the working class goyim for making it happen, as if they were somehow responsible. That stuff just seemed to go over like a lead balloon.
God tho, what a bunch of trash. It’s all just pampered oligarchs squabbling amongst each other like children, with the common denominator of all of this being that no matter what happens, white men, especially the poorer amongst them, will be footing the bill and taking the blame for literally anything that happens, no matter who the actual perpetrator is, or how grotesquely unjust this looks to outsiders.
This truly is the worst of all political systems. It’s just ugly, and nasty. And we wonder why other nations no longer follow our lead. Gosh, I wonder!!! LOL.
Oof, how dreadful. And utterly embarrassing. Oh how I wish I wasn’t born in this country! If only I had been born anywhere else. I may not have had as much material wealth, but at least I might like the land in which I live. What a blessing that would be.
Yuck. How nasty.