The Key Problem With Trump, Part XXVI

Ick, another one of these things. Yuck, I hate all of this.

If you despise these people as much as I do, I won’t blame you for not reading this, lol.

Ok, so ah… why is the orange zionist so… orange?

Does anyone else find this bizarre and creepy, or is this just me?

Republicans, especially, seem to do this. I think Mittens did this as well, and probably Reagan, too. Trump just looks… weird. I mean, his appearance. Like, who even has that skin tone? What the hell kind of image is this guy trying to project, anyhow? It’s just so freakish and odd.

It’s like he gets spray tanned with those hoses they use in car washes.

I don’t like that look on white people. It’s unnatural, and it looks really really bad in 1080p. Like seriously. It looks dreadfully fake. Maybe back in the days of black and white TV that was some kind of good idea, or something, but now it’s just… weird. It’s verrrrry artificial.

I mean he always seems to have these strange rings around his eyes were they don’t tan him. He looks orange, and I mean literally orange, except on some parts of his face, like he has some kind of skin disease. His appearance resembles that of someone with an odd variant of vitiligo, or something. And he does this by choice. It’s really fucking weird.

Is this some kind of boomer thing? They seem to have an obsession with tanning for some reason. My boomer father kept trying to get me to “tan up” when I was young. I never saw the value in it. Why would I make myself voluntarily uglier? I never did it. It didn’t make sense then, and it sure doesn’t now.

It’s just another piece of the puzzle. I really don’t get this guy. His ways are not mine.

I mean does he seriously think this makes him look good? I mean he can’t possibly think that, right? But then if he doesn’t, then why does he do it?

Again, Trump just seems so foreign to me. He looks like… a Jew. Specifically, like an Israeli, and I mean it. Like, you take some guy with pale-ish skin, stick him in a middle eastern country, let him bake in the sun for a few years, and maybe he would look like Trump. Is that it? I’m just grasping at straws here.

Yeah, maybe that’s it, though. He comes across way too much as absolutely desperate to be accepted by Israel. It’s always the Jews with this guy. So fucking odd. I distinctly remember polls saying he is so pro-Israel that most Jews here have problems with how Zionist he is. I mean, it’s just so central to this guy. Even more than this country, for real. He’s not an American conservative, he’s an Israeli conservative, like he’s the american wing of the likud party, or something. And that is I think the reason why he was never really able to connect with his supporters, here.

It’s just so weird. And unfortunate, for us. Americans, I mean. Especially his poor, neglected supporters. He’s just such an embarrassment, lol.

I mean I could list stuff, and I guess I should. Under Trump, Israel gets their wall. We get nothing, like zero feet of one. Israeli gets a secure Jerusalem, we get… years of rioting niggers. Israel gets Gaza, we get… caravans from the south. Israel gets weapons, we get opioids.

It’s so weird, it’s like this guy gets off on being a traitor, or something. So weird.

And to make things worse, he forces us to deal with the Kushners, I guess just because he wants to make everyone as uncomfortable and embarrassed as possible. I seriously have no other idea as to why he has forced our poor country to deal with these bizarre people.

Even his catchphrase- MAGA- is that not a hebrew word? I remember the martial art, Krav Maga. Doesn’t Maga mean like, connection, or something, in Hebrew? Like it’s some kind of sacred Jewish thing, or something. Combine that with the red color and the whole “Maga” thing looks like some kind of Israeli draft.

Trump is just so foreign. He’s a man apart, here, besides what he steals from me.

He has no honor. Yes, that’s it. I think that’s exactly it. He acts like a Jew, not like an Aryan.

To Aryans honor is the basis for their closest relationships. To Trump, honor means little, if anything. He probably thinks its for suckers. I think this is why he doesn’t care about the deplatforming of his supporters, except when he needs to campaign on something. He feels no debt to them, so he doesn’t care. Because he is blind to honor. The concept of “helping those who helped you” is lost on someone like him.

He acts more like a stereotypical Jew than anything else. He has a very “fleece the goyim” aspect to his dealings with his (American) supporters. He cares when it benefits him, he doesn’t when it doesn’t.

Note the qualification I used. His dealings with Israelis are very different than the ones he has with Americans. It’s not for nothing that he is the only US president with an Israeli settlement named after him.

I wonder if there will be anything here named after him when he leaves office. And, truthfully, I wonder if he will even care. Something tells me that settlement means more to him than anything here.

Good lord do these people fucking suck, lol. It’s like, every time you look at them, the more horrible things you find. They’re all traitors of some stripe. With republicans, it’s israel, with democrats, it’s mexico, or china. It’s just different flavors of terrible. It’s like, to you want to die by a thousand cuts, or by some horrible poison that rots you from the inside? I don’t know, how about neither?

Yuck, so gross. Just take it away, all of it.

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