I suppose I need to. Ugh, alright, let’s get this over with. MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION IN OUR LIFETIMES or whatever.
Ok, fuck all of these people. Nothing has changed, all of them suck. Never before have I seen politicians so alien and bizarre. It truly is as though these guys live on some distant planet. Which, I suppose they do. They live on Planet Zionist(tm).
They suck, all of them. No American politicians are good. All of them lack principals, courage, ideas. In fact it does look as though that is why they are chosen. Like they’re there because they are easily blackmailable pawns.
They look frightened. Really scared. And it seems like most of their ideas revolve around trying to make themselves feel safer and more secure. And that basically seems to be it with them, like they care about nothing else. They’re SCARED, god damn it, and to them, that’s all that matters.
Chief amongst their concerns seems to be the growing horror (in their minds) that cries of RACISM!!!! RACISM!!!! HE’S RACIST!!!!! don’t work anymore. This, above all else, seems to scare the shit out of them.
I remember wayyyy back when, back in the 90’s when cries of RACISM!!!!! RACISM!!! HE’S A RACIST!!!!! were a foolproof method of silencing a person. Like, it was the ultimate Pavlovian response. People were programmed back then, apparently quite successfully, to equate RACISM!!! RACISM!!!!!!! with stay away from this guy/that group. It was the ultimate trump card, like the perfect way of silencing speech of any kind. Perhaps the best mind-control technique ever invented, at least until I came along.
So, it seems that most of the fear amongst the political class has to do with the fact that RACISM!!! RACISM!!!! HE’S A RACIST!!!!! no longer seems to work when it comes to silencing dissent, or conversation. There is a sizable number of young Americans, and I mean like a huge chunk of them, like 25%, to which cries of RACISM!!!! RACISM!!!! don’t work- perhaps because I got to them, first.
And this seems to be… terrifying. And confusing. It’s like they thought that RACISM!!! RACISM!!!! RACISM!!!!!!! would always work as some kind of control mechanism, as though there would be no competition, ever. As though we’ve reached “The End of History”, for real, as Fukuyama put it. That we haven’t seems to be causing panic. Fear. Desperation.
See- the thing is, they got lazy, and started to believe that they, as a whole, didn’t need to do anything. As though they didn’t need to actually work on real problems, with an intent on fixing them. Like- black crime, or the infrastructure, or a shitload of other things. It’s like they thought that they could just sit on their asses indefinitely, collecting taxes and enjoying luxury, with RACISM!! RACISM!!!! working to stifle any criticism they didn’t like, forever, with their progeny destined to enjoy largess and ease until the sun crashed into the Earth, some 5 billion years from now.
That this doesn’t seem to be happening as they envisioned is apparently terrifying to them. And that this world of theirs seems to be unraveling as quickly as it is seems to be is causing them to panic. And in their fear, they are going crazy, knocking things over and scaring the bejeesus out of everyone looking at them, with some of them (like me) turning their noses up in disgust, and the rest prostrating themselves before their (former?) rulers out of fear that they themselves might get stepped on, even if only accidentally.
It’s a shitshow, a circus of nonsense. And it’s only going to get worse. Egads, what horrid junk, all of this.
Take it away, all of it.