I’m not Dysfunctional, Part XXXV

A few more thoughts before bed.

First, I get it. It’s like, I now get why there are so many addicts in this country. I mean I knew before, but it’s quite obvious now. I mean, the despair, the hopelessness, the… unfixability of everything, the lack of resources, the anger and envy and… justified rage. I truly get it, so much.

I don’t understand what is wrong with people, in that they have let these problems fester and grow for so long, without attempting remedy. The upper classes I mean, the so-called “elites”. It’s like they waste their time on made up problems like “racism” so much that they don’t have the time or the energy to attempt anything real. Which may in fact be the point of it all, it’s easier to fix something imaginary than a real issue. But the real issues now have piled up so high that they are nigh unfixable, now.

Case in point of course would be me. I’m continually baffled by how absolutely nobody seems to be able to, I don’t know, kind of give me something that might be truly helpful to me, as opposed to… what I actually get from people. I don’t get it. I mean, people can actually look into my mind. With that knowledge in hand, it should be quite easy to figure out what it would take to pacify me, or at least calm my nerves, or perhaps give me hope, or something. Honestly people, it should be so easy a third grader should be able to handle it, no problem. And yet, look at where we are, now.

I don’t get it. And the fact the nobody seems to be able to handle even the lowest of the low hanging fruits here in this country is a horribly damning indictment of the way we do things, to an absurd degree. It’s wrecking everybody’s mood. Guys, this should be easy. And is it not understood that the consequences of fucking this up could be unbelievably catastrophic? Like people, I am seriously by far and away the most powerful man that has ever lived. Is this not apparent?

I mean, there are some who are richer than I, more popular than I, etc., but there is nobody more powerful than me, no. Not ever. Often money is used as a substitute for power by the wealthy. But it is not power in and of itself, no. I repeat, there is NOBODY more powerful than me in this world. There is in fact no number 2 on the list, either. Such is the gulf between me and everyone else. Don’t you people get it?

Guys, I’m trying to make this easy. Trying reeeeal hard, here. If you fuck this up, you will regret it for many a year, to understate things. You need to treat me with proper respect, here. Be honest with me, level with me, communicate with me, correctly. I repeat: YOU NEED TO DO THIS. That is, if you want a functioning future, a society with hope.

You guys have fucked up thus far, big time. Epically. I’m not the villain of this story, people. Not, not even close. And this will become more and more apparent as the future unfolds, here, provided I don’t “check out” early.

It is your call, the ball is in your court. Don’t fumble this or you will not live to regret it.

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