The Debates, Part VII

No I’m not watching, lol. I mean of course I have better things to do than participate in such ugly foolishness.

But ugh, how awful in general. I wonder: is there anybody these days, and I mean anybody at all, whole profile is raised by being a part of this stupidity? As far as I can see, being involved with any of this crapola just makes people lose respect for you, and never the other way around.

Yuck, how mortifying. The ugly Americans are out in full force tonight, haha.

“Making the World Safe For Democracy”. Hahahahahahaha!!!!! I remember when that was this country’s rallying cry, lolllllll. Is there anything in this world uglier than democracy? I mean, just look at this shit, lol!

So basically, this particular contest boils down to: The Democrats, i.e., pedophiles; tranny antifa terrorists; lazy, useless trust fund Millennial liberals; and awful “woke” censorship crazy robber baron oligarchs vs. the Republicans, i.e., Israeli nationalist “dual citizen” traitors; Wall Street plutocrat oligarchs; lazy, worthless, preposterously ignorant boomer cuck republitards; and unbelievably stupid christian nutcase evangelist types.

Oh, ick. Good lord what a monstrously poisoned chalice this is, lol.

On the Democratic side, the leadership clearly has more love for China, or perhaps Mexico, than for this country. On the other side, it’s of course Israel that is their real love.

There is nobody in this contest who has any affection for the United States.

Both sides see this country as a roadblock.

There is no “winner” here, no matter what the results eventually show. Only different kinds of losers. The politicians are losers because they apparently must be traitors to this country to be successful for some reason, and we, the public, are losers because we have to live within such a preposterous system. And the environment- the plants, trees, and animals, are of course losers as well. Neither party sees the environment as anything important, either. I mean I know what they say. But look what they do.

On that note, it is hard to tell who is worse for the environment, but… I’m not getting into that, now. There isn’t much reason, since it’s not like my opinions have sway here, anyways. But suffice to say it seems that both parties are wholly owned by those that seek to enslave every living thing on the Earth in some kind of weird despotic tyranny.

Look, I just want a normal life. Like, a normal life, with some semblance of security, and a basic happiness. A decent, stable job, with sane hours and acceptable pay, a sane healthcare plan, and other normal stuff. I would be happy with that.

And I think I’m not alone in that desire, either. So like… what the fuck, lol? What IS this shit?

I mean, what if you are a normal person, who just wants normal stuff? Where is your candidate, here?

So bizarre. So otherwordly and insane all of this crap is. Jeezus, this whole thing, this whole contest, this election cycle, is just so horrible. This shit NEVER ENDS. All of this rioting, all of this stupid violence happened because Trump was elected. Literally this shit started brewing the day he took office. What the fuck, you idiots? Can’t we just be left to lead normal lives for one fucking day, you nasty, ungrateful shitheads?

I’m really starting to despise trannies. I swear they must make up at least half of antifa’s rosters. They are being allowed these days to upset everyone else’s lives, to ruin others’ traditions, to threaten, to rape, to murder, without consequence. This is inhumanly wrong, and it is evidence of how plainly ugly our business, political, and media leaders are that they are allowed to do such things.

This country is such a disgraceful shithole. The entire elite class, with the exception of me, just seems so… horribly disfigured, on the inside. It’s grotesque.

The people aren’t. They just for the most part want to live their lives. Most of the people here are good- perhaps the races should be separated (I would argue YES for this, considering the events over the past four years at least), but I believe they would just do that, naturally, if allowed to be free to do what they want. But the people are good natured, at heart. Perhaps they are not very smart, perhaps not very educated- ok, most are not educated in much of anything, like at all- but most of them are good people, certainly.

The elites no. They have been twisted, somehow. They’ve become monsters for some reason, perhaps because they are too isolated, or too enamored of their own myths, or they really do prefer their “real” home country to this one, whether it be China, Israel, India, Britain or whatever, or who the fuck knows what their problem is. But they’re just rotten, ugly to the core. I seriously can’t imagine how they even justify their actions over the last year or so to themselves. It’s utter madness.

Oh man, I can’t wait for this election to just fucking get over, already. Just a few more weeks until this crap is done. Just a few more weeks, ugh.

Gawd I actively try to avoid this stuff for most of that four year period in between these circuses and even I can barely stand it anymore.

ugh. jeezus, how awful.


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