The Key Problem With Trump, Part XXVII

So, Trump put some chick onto the Supreme Court.

Like the rest of his picks, she’s a liberal. She has two black kids. With this knowledge in hand, I don’t need to know anything else about her, of course. She’s a typical D.C swamp creature, and it will be a matter of minutes before she turns on Trump’s base. In her heart, she already has.

Perhaps she will vote in some… “conservative” way once or twice over some faux conservative issue, like, IDK, abortion, or something. Of course nobody cares about abortion anymore, the churches are empty. It’s more like, she’ll tick off a box or two once in a great while that mainstream media followers think of as being “conservative” to placate some non-essential people in Conservative, Inc., and that’s kinda all she will do. The rest of her actions will be liberal in heart, if not in design.

She won’t do jack shit for me, I can promise you that. Or anyone else in my demographic, naturally. I mean, white men, middle-aged. Like the rest of the people liked or appointed by Trump, we are invisible to them, despite being ostensibly the reason he is in office.

It’s just liberalism, Democrats-are-the-real-racists faux “conservatism” typical Trump Zionist shit. It’s yet more garbage from the dual-citizen and his stupid, ungrateful, traitorous kids.

Trump fucking sucks, as always.

And this- in a time of universal “upset-ness” over the cruddy, awful, selfish and overall nasty and immature behavior of blacks nationally, if not worldwide. Trump dissapoints, again, by colluding with the swamp creature types he supposedly doesn’t identify with.

Trump and his dumb kids play “American” in the way that kids play cops and robbers. It’s dress-up to him. His heart lies with Israel, not America. If you doubt this, look around you. Does it look like he cares about this place?

Does it look like anyone in our government cares about this place? Because they don’t, of course. They care about everything but. Every nation besides this one, every idea except the ones natives like, here. All of these people are worthless, and all of them need to go.

In the midst of all of his relentless squishiness and blustering about everything of importance here, do you suppose his support of anything nationalist in Israel has waned, even a little bit? Because I can assure you it hasn’t. Trump has been parading around the world lately touting his successes defend Israel’s borders. He has even bragged, PUBLICLY, about Israel being the only reason American kids are dying in Middle Eastern wars.

In short, he’s a traitor, and he should have been held accountable for this years ago, and if we would have had anyone of worth in our government, he would have, already. But since everyone in our government sucks, of course… nope. Nada. The media, the courts, all layers of government, the military, everyone in Congress, all big business, everything, hates this country. They all fucking suck. All of them are traitors. They hate us in a way they will never hate Israel, especially.

Oh how I wish this place had actual leadership! And people that actually liked it running things. How heavenly that would be!

But, never. Not until the Kushners and the rest of Jewish-mafia types Trump loves so much are swinging from their necks.

Speaking of which, Trump apparently thinks Zionism needs MORE of a voice in this country, bafflingly enough. Bizarrely, he’s giving his worthless, ungrateful Jewish kids their own network so they can broadcast more fully their love of everything Israel over what is supposedly their country to the rest of the world, I guess to rub salt in America’s wounds, or something, who knows why he’s doing this.

Gawd damn does Trump fucking suck. Jeebus, what have we done to deserve this? lol.

He has no honor. There is nothing Aryan about him. His supporters, his voters have been de-platformed and attacked since the day he took office, and he has yet to raise a finger to help them. But his fucking kids– who need I remind you are registered Democrats- get their own media channel? What?!?!!? Remember, these people- the Kushners- are people who have gone on record are saying they are uncomfortable with the history, here. I mean American history.

Obviously, nothing these people produce will be acceptable, not even remotely. They suck, and all of them should be hanged.

And again, it baffles me that nobody seems to care about any of this. Does nobody in office, anywhere, find what I’ve said here to be of concern? Anybody in the military? Hollywood? HELLOOOOOOOOO people, lol.

Fine, you shitheads. I’ll create my own country, here, on the grave of this one. And NONE of you worthless twats are invited.


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