I’m not Dysfunctional, Part LXXVI

So, yeah, bad week. Weird convulsions this morning, probably owing to drug use. It’s like my hands, feet keep shaking. I’m in bed and they just keep pounding the bed, over and over, endlessly. Probably not normal. Migraine headache, throwing up, skin thin and flaky. I’m extremely cold and pale. Eyes are clogged with tears. Can’t breathe.

Probably not normal. Stomach hurts, brain oozing out my ears. But I can’t get off, I’ll die. Fenty withdrawals will kill me.

Fuck. This is bad, but at least I’m cognizant. Kinda. I just keep sweating. I’m hyperventilating, now, probably because I’m having trouble breathing. Probably not good.

Whatever. I can still kill myself, so that’s a thing. Oof. I mean I won’t but, it is nice to have the option.

Oof, can’t breathe. So weird. It’s like I alternate between hyperventilating and suffocating.

But it feels good, though. The drugs love me, so it’s good. Yeah.

Uh, ouch. Oh man, this sucks, lol.

Whatever. I will deal.

God I hope I overdose and die, lol.

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