Kathryn Newton, Part II

I don’t understand why everyone keeps asking me what is wrong. People, NOTHING is wrong. Like, I’m fine. Obviously. I’m totally fine, with everything. Nothing’s wrong. I’m O.K. Why wouldn’t I be? I mean I know I have problems but… you know. You know? You know.

I mean I don’t “beat myself up”, people. I mean I don’t. Like, I just had sex with Kathryn (yes again) and she wondered WTF was wrong with me when I freaked out and pushed her away afterwards (yes again), which is just… how I do things. I mean it doesn’t mean anything. Like, it doesn’t mean I’m “damaged” or something. I mean yeah, it might look like it, but… you know, that isn’t how it is, you know?

I just prefer to not… do things the usual way. I like keeping everyone at a distance, at all times, forever. Doesn’t mean I have issues. That’s just how I do things. I mean, there’s the drugs and everything but that’s a separate issue. And all the other issues, which are separate issues.

You see, Kathy? And everyone. Pls stop asking me what’s wrong. Because there’s nothing “wrong”. It’s just different, that’s all. Like, you know?

I mean that the fact that I “hide myself” in my own pocket dimension at times- I mean, for days, months, or years, is just how I do things. That’s just my way, you know?

I don’t have… “issues”.


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