Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part L

Again I am continually amazed at how much people care about nonsense like COVID and how little they care about real epidemics, like fentanyl.

It’s baffling. COVID barely exists, and is rarely if ever lethal. Fentanyl is filling up our graveyards and destroying vast swaths of the nation’s core. The media chooses to ignore fentanyl and focuses exclusively on COVID. The reasons are blatantly political, and weirdly personal to those “reporting” the “news”. Few if anybody in the ruling class cares about the problems caused by fentanyl addiction, apparently, in spite of the enormous and unbelievable damage it is doing to the future of everything we do.

It is truly baffling, except perhaps when you remember that the primary victims of fentanyl are poor white men. Then of course it becomes obvious why nobody cares.

Gods, this country sucks. Everything we do these days is a shameful and stupid circus of embarrassing dumbness. Everything the media talks about is dumb, and I mean everything. Everything done by both political parties is dumb, everything done by big business is dumb, everything done by the military is dumb, everything done by non-profits is dumb, everything we do is dumb, dumb, dumb.

This country fucking sucks. All of our leaders are terrible, all of them. There are no good leaders and no smart people in our ruling classes. Everyone “on top” is worthless.

Both political parties are obvious garbage. Everything they could do that is good, they won’t, and everything they could do that would be harmful to the citizens, they do.

I truly hate this country. Our leaders have betrayed us. ALL OF THEM are traitors. All of them deserve the guillotine. No exceptions. Trump, Biden, everyone in Wall Street, everyone in the military from the generals to the foot soldiers, all of academia, anyone that runs a charity or teaches in a school, everyone. ALL of these people are worthless, selfish scum. Fuck them all, they are all parasites. Every politician in America sucks, without exception.

This place has no future, because nobody with any authority here cares enough about it to make an effort to fix anything. We are all going to get swallowed up in a black hole of death and devastation, and there is nothing we can do because everyone with power is noxious human trash.

It’s all going to be about “racism”, like always. We are going to be about fixing “racism” until the last person here dies of a fentanyl overdose. We may not fix any REAL problems, ever, but by God we will fix racism! Even if it kills us, which it will.

The United States of America truly is a worthless country. Our history is shameful, if not despicable. Everything we have done since at least 1945, of not since the creation of the federal reserve, has been if not an enormous disaster, a huge mistake.

We fucking suck, as a country. That is the painful truth. We are only rich because we have allowed our unbelievably greedy and corrupt politicians and businessmen to plunder the vast wealth of this fresh land, and not because we are a good, or a smart, people.

Fuck this country, and fuck everyone, especially, who runs it. You are all worthless parasites.

I hate you all.

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