So basically, a Biden administration is going to be like 4 solid years of “HATE WHITEY” where “whitey” in this case means the usual poor or working class white men, you know, the most disenfranchised and defenseless of demographics. Of course the rich are not to be targeted, because they have money, and money means you are above the law and everything else in this country.
This shit is just dumb, and I’m beyond tired of it. Literally, all Democrats ever do is hate white men, steal from white men, lie about white men, lie to white men, attack white men, and exclude white men. Seriously- that’s all they do, unless, of course the white men have money, like Biden himself, or happen to be kinda sorta white-ish, like Jews, and even then, it’s mostly about the money. It seems as though Democrats understand nothing else but how to attack and exclude racially. They’re just awful, noxious, abysmal people. They seem almost fundamentally amoral in how they view the world.
Jeez, I just don’t want to live with these people. I seriously don’t, I mean, they obviously hate me, so why don’t they just let me go already? Ye gods, this whole thing is just dreadful. This country sucks soooooo much, lol.
This is intolerable. The Biden admin hasn’t even started yet and already people are prepping for war, or at least separation, and I applaud those efforts very much. I hope that the narcissistic assholes in the Democratic party won’t try to stop us from just walking away, lol. I have a feeling they will, though, and it’s going to get horrible, and it will ALL be on them, for being such shortsighted, immature and sociopathic people.
It just seems to me like “racism” is the only thing these guys are concerned about, and I can’t understand that mentality. I mean, see below today for more input on this. It’s like these guys have a preposterously one track mind, and it’s impossible to get them to focus or even talk about anything else. It’s weird and obsessive, and they act like they’re collectively suffering from some kind of oddball psychological disorder.
I mean, to these guys EVERYTHING is because of racism, racism is the cause of all the ills of everyone in the world. Racism is the cause of hunger, global warming, low black IQ’s, high black incarceration rates, divorce, disease, all economic problems, EVERYTHING, yes everything, in the world. Like all the problems of everyone, ever, are caused somehow by “racism”, except for those problems of poor white men, but since they don’t count we won’t bother investigating their issues. And somehow, this attitude isn’t “racist” by their definition, because racism is all about “having power”, which is something that poor white men have absolutely none of by reasonable definition.
This worldview makes zero logical sense, of course. It’s bizarre and convoluted and reads like something from Opposite World but it is what these guys believe. And it doesn’t work, which is why they continually double down. It’s like, they fail, so they need to double down because doing otherwise would mean to admit they were wrong, and so they fail again, and again, and again, and each time they need to get MORE SHRILL AND LOUDER to cover up for their increasingly stupid and ridiculous failures.
It’s awful, and it’s becoming wayyyy too much to live with. This stuff is religion, not science, not logic, and even worse, it’s a stupid, and FAILING, religion. And as it fails it thrashes about and tries to fuck everything else up as it dies. It’s awful, just awful.
The concept of “racism” is likely the most worst thing ever invented. It’s like, to the adherents of this religion, any amount of real crime is excusable when it could conceivably, in some tangential way, maybe help to combat “racism”, whatever that word even means. Murder, arson, fraud of any kind, rioting, genocide, any crime at all, is excusable to them if it could possibly in some tiny way be against “racism”. To these people, to be against “racism” means all actions of every kind are always 100% justified, all the time.
You can’t live with these people. They are nuts. They’re sociopathic if not outwardly psychopathic, and are in general agents of chaos and violence. They’re religious extremists without a religion. They’re moral busybodies without morality. They’re pretty much the worst the world has to offer.
I seriously can’t believe that this country is what it has become. Honestly, fuck this place. This is likely the worst run nation in the world at this point.
Ugh, how dreadfully embarrassing. This fucking sucks.