Military Men are Cowards and Traitors

Hey military guys- remember those oaths you swore back in the day about protecting our country? Well, here’s your chance!

Here’s your chance to prove that it wasn’t a waste of everyone’s time to kowtow to your whims and pretend that what you do is in fact “protecting the country” instead of, say, “defending Israel’s control over the US government” or “defending the drug lords by watching over their crops in Afghanistan”.

Here’s your chance to show everyone that you aren’t hypocrites. For at least a year now, there has been some kind of communist revolution going on in this country- in case you have forgotten, the United States, the country you were supposed to protect- and it seems to be progressing unopposed by everyone, including the entire government and all of the nation’s police forces. Well guys- here you go! This is the moment you have been waiting for, right?

I mean, the Democratic party is openly trying to steal an election- I guess, to precipitate some kind of coup to overthrow the constitution. Guys, this is your chance! This is your opportunity to prove to the world that you are in fact worthy of all the free-to-you shit you have been given. All those toys, the education subsidies, all that training, your pensions, everything that I (we, the public) has paid for, for YOU, specifically, SO YOU COULD STOP WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW FROM HAPPENING, is now front and center on everyone’s minds. Were you in fact worthy and deserving of all of that shit, or not? Because if not, what good are you, besides being a drain on everyone else? A time sink? A resource waster? A little boy playing G.I. Joe dress up?

So what is the deal, guys? I mean, all of you. Isn’t it time you paid this country (and ME) back for all of the shit we gave you? And don’t you dare tell me that your tour of duty in Iraq or what the fuck ever counts, because it doesn’t, this country isn’t Israel, in case you haven’t noticed. Here’s a factoid for you: the US is not a Middle Eastern nation! We don’t live over there, we live here, in a place called North America.

Honestly, guys. If you don’t DO SOMETHING now, than fuck all of you shitheads. You are all cowards. ALL OF YOU. Don’t you dare talk to anyone else of fucking bravery or whatnot if you refuse to stand up and do something, here. Because you know what? If you don’t, than not a one of you was honest with even yourselves about what you were made of, and the lot of you has been nothing but a burden on this country perhaps for generations. So fuck you all, in that instance.

This country has for all practical purposes bankrupted itself and destroyed it’s future so you people could get the weapons and wars you wanted. And that being the case, you had God damn better pay us fucking back, when WE need it, for once. Or fuck you all.

Seriously, guys. It’s time. Are you worth your talk, or not?

And if you’re not, I don’t want to hear any complaints when I set up shop here as some kind of wizard tyrant god on this country’s grave.

Seriously, guys. I’m not doing well now, but that may not last forever. And if it doesn’t, you had better pray that heaven or hell or both help you all.

So, what’s it going to be, guys?

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