Thoughts on the Death of Liberalism, Part LI

Jeebus, what a disgusting shitshow all of this crap is.

It just gets more and more embarrassing, doesn’t it? Well to me it does, at least. It’s sooooooo awful.

So, the election is just a circus. On one hand, you have… everyone involved, who looks stupid for being involved, at all. And on the other you have the whole machinery behind everything, which looks preposterously corrupt if not downright evil.

Everything about this last election fucking sucks. All of it looks broken at best, and just… incomprehensibly vile at worst. This is not the election you would get in a working country, with a government that actually cared enough to be competent for it’s citizens.

Everyone involved with this election should be ashamed of themselves, down to my girlfriends and their idiotic ploys to get people to vote. I mean, seriously, everyone involved here has fucked up, big time. You all fucking suck, all of you.

Some takeaways:

1) The media is obviously hiding something. Across the board, they act like they’ve just committed some kind of crime. They’re obviously colluding to not only promote Biden, but to shove all kinds of… nasty stuff, of some kind, out of sight. And whatever it is they’re hiding is probably severely bad, probably for them as well as Biden. The mind wonders what it is they’re hiding. Voter fraud? Theft? Evidence of Biden or Kamala being some kind of traitor? All three of these things? Something worse, or perhaps WAY worse? Who the fuck knows, but whatever it is they’re hiding from everyone, the way they’re acting is just suspicious as all hell to everyone watching them. Honestly, fuck these people.

2) The tech oligarchs fucking suck. These guys are brutally awful in perhaps every way I can think of. The way they treat their customers is beyond unconscionable and obviously extremely criminal. They- all of them- routinely violate their own rules and break laws with impunity against any of their customers they want, at any time, with no repercussions. It’s just horrid how these people act. They rifle through peoples’ emails without their permission, steal from them, sell their personal information to the highest bidder without permission, spy on everyone, interfere with everyone’s communications, brazenly and blatantly lie to congress about everything they do, and so on and so on, endlessly; they do nothing good, anymore, and all of them are terrible people, without exception.

3) Trump has been a catastrophic disaster for this country, but most especially for his base, which is why they didn’t vote for him this time around- and is of course why he lost. Trump is probably the worst president we have ever had. Nothing good for this country has ever been spearheaded by him or his traveling clownshow he called a cabinet. Nothing that needed to be overhauled was, and his entire base has been the subject of ruthless attacks from everyone else in the world now for 4 years and he has done nothing at all to help them in any way. With Trump, it was 4 years of “Muh black employment” and “Muh Netanyahoo” as his base was genocided with fentanyl and immigration. Trump isn’t an American, he’s a foreigner- an Israeli- even now. It’s been 4 years now of president Kushner and crew, who ran this country solely for Israel’s benefit. Honestly, probably the worst president, ever.

4) Biden is probably the worst presidential candidate this country has ever seen. The Biden / Kamala ticket is going to be an unmitigated disaster for this place, which is probably why the media has already gone wayyyy too far into overdrive to hide Biden’s faults. Again, the media looks like it’s hiding… everything, when it comes to these two. Basically, these two are the “hate whitey” ticket, again, but this time without Obama’s eloquence and charm. They are going to be dreadfully unpopular from the get go. It’s going to be a four year lecture on “racism” from these two as the country turns to rubble around them. It’s going to be ugly, dreadful, and stupid beyond belief.

5) The whole election process is a disgusting shamble. It’s a circus of confusion, obvious fraud, conflicting rulebooks, extremely questionable results, and opaque traditions- as in, nobody really knows what goes on behind the scenes in this country. Do they even count the votes, at all? Honestly, I don’t know. But I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t. Or perhaps they count the votes, and then toss them in the garbage, and declare the winner to be whomever Netanyahu favors. Who the fuck knows, really. But what IS obvious is that the way we do things, now, is not going to work. Something like 50 million people or something think this election was rigged, probably because is was. This, from the world’s premiere “Democracy”, lol. What a fucking joke.

6) The Jewish establishment in this country is an unbelievably huge problem for the world. Behind all of this ugly, civilization destroying shit, you can find the vile hand of Zionism, I’m sure. It’s really baffling to me how all of this crap can go on to the point of this country disintegrating before this problem is talked about at all, let alone given the respect it deserves.

Something needs to be done about Zionism, here, before these people wreck everything in the world. Most of the wars we have had in the Middle East lately have been because of Israel, not any concern, here. They’re going to destroy the Earth, people. What the fuck is wrong with this place in that it allows such horrifying criminality to occur without ANY pushback, at all?

Guys, what the fuck?

7) Republicans are all cowards. They are all dumb, weak, and foolish. ALL republicans are worthless- the party seems to select for this, in fact. Fuck ALL these worthless people. And throw the Democrats in the pile while we’re at it. Whatever.

8) Whatever, I’m bored. But you get the picture. Yeah, this shit isn’t going to work. We need separation, here. Yeah.

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