We should respect each other’s boundaries in person. Fantasy is one thing, real life is another.
I’ve long believed that Hollywood’s anti-bullying stance is motivated at least in part by the bullying that some of them receive from the paparazzi. Paps do things that are very similar, if not identical, to the bullying tactics used by middle schoolers during recess.
We should respect boundaries.
Someone who used to work in my building apparently knew of my “alter-ego” as a vampire, because he thought it was funny to repeat to me some of the sexual stuff I do (you know, what I say and think during sex, etc.) as kind of as a joke. I thought it was extremely rude, but I didn’t say anything because he only did it a few times, and even then, it was only during short elevator rides when I was alone with him. But it shouldn’t have happened, I think.
Boundaries are important. So let’s all respect each other’s space in person, except in emergencies (like the one we’re in now economically… rules must go out the window in extreme circumstances).