The History of Me, Part VIII

Am I correct in thinking that maybe, mayyyybe… most people go through life never having experienced true love?

Is that assumption correct?

Perhaps that is why some people insist that it isn’t real. It’s because they’ve never felt it, or imagined they ever could.

I’ve been wondering why so many people seem to be using me as a template for… I guess, human interaction, or maybe even emotion, on a base level. Especially for love issues. Maybe it’s because without me, they wouldn’t know what true love is, sadly enough.

I mean I can see this. Few men get to choose their girlfriend out of a list of millions. Few women get to date a real superhero. What I have is a rare thing. Maybe a unique thing, and the feelings it inspires must then be… unique, in and of themselves. Or at least extremely rare.

Yeah- maybe, for most, my own relationships are the closest they will ever get to feeling true love themselves. And that’s… kinda sad, really, for them. It’s like seriously sad, lol. I feel almost pity for them.

True love is great. It’s such a wonderful and liberating thing. When it works, it’s unlike anything else you can feel. It truly because a partnership that elevates both people far beyond what they could be individually. And in the case of someone like me and Cady, you get world bending stuff out of it, I guess.

Why nobody else saw her potential is beyond me. I guess they can’t taste her soul like I can. See- it’s there where she truly shines. I love the taste of a great soul, and hers is one of the best I’ve tasted. It’s for this reason why I prefer her over some random model with big boobs, or something, lol. I love love love the taste of a good soul. It’s exquisite.

Ah, I do love sometimes this whole “necromancer” bit. Sometimes it’s greater than anything.

Well, off to do the day’s work, then.

See you later.

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