On the Awfulness of Biden, Part II

One more, before bed.

Watching all of this, it’s hard to not see what is happening as the ultimate defeat of the globalists. It’s like, they’ve lost confidence in themselves, now. They themselves no longer believe that they are even the good guys anymore, or that they should even try to give others a fair shake, in anything. Because they’re scared, it seems.

You can see it in their eyes. Like, Jack Dorsey. He looks scared, guilty, when he talks to congress. Not because he’s scared of politicians- I mean, there’s no reason to be, but because of the public that he knows he’s lying to.

The thing is- they’re all lying. And the problem with liars is that when they lose frame, that’s it. They lose, then. Because for a liar it’s all about perception, and never truth. Once the perception fades their power dies with it.

And make no mistake- they are all liars, including Trump, and everyone at FOX. And it’s over once Biden takes office.

I think again that the litmus test was probably me. They needed me on board to succeed, and they could have done that, but chose to act in such a way that would prevent that from happening. In short, for whatever reason, they failed wholly and completely when it came to the most important thing, which was public perception.

No matter what happens, globalism is finished. It may take a week, a year, or a decade, but ultimately, globalism will die.

The world they are trying to create- basically, an eternal dictatorship headquartered in Jerusalem, will hardly be eternal. Like all things, it will and it must perish, provided it can even be created in the first place. Nothing like what they are creating can exist for long within this world.

I really don’t get it. I don’t understand who is running this show, or why these decisions were made like this. It doesn’t make sense to me. It’s all baffling.

But, it is what it is. Biden is going to serve as perhaps both the beginning and the end of the “New World Order”. What an ignominious legacy that will be.

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