Republican politicians are worthless shitheads. All of them; don’t bother looking to find any that aren’t, you won’t find them.
For generations now, perhaps since the day World War II ended up to this day, they have consistently insisted on wasting everyone’s time on stupid, ridiculous, wasteful crusades that have brought nothing but ruin to their own country.
Take the Cold War, which, after fuck knows how many trillions of dollars spent and how many nations destroyed, we lost, spectacularly, because the Republicans who were out fighting communists in Asia were too stupid to notice that we had them here, too. Whoops! Fucking idiots, all of them. Everyone who supported that damn war betrayed and destroyed this country, and here, I’m pointing the finger at all of them- Reagan, Buchanan, Goldwater, virtually everyone associated with the military, essentially everyone who ever demonized the USSR, and everyone that supported Vietnam, and Korea, and Grenada, and everything else.
All of that was a colossal waste, all that that effort did was bankrupt the nation. Everyone that supported that stupid endeavor had a hand in ruining this country and destroying it’s future. So many resources were wasted fighting the damn Soviets that none were left over to fix any problems here, at all. All of you fuckheads should be ashamed of yourselves. It is because of you that this country is in the position it is in.
Republicans are probably the most spineless, weak, and contemptible people on the planet. All of them are losers, including Trump, who wasted fuck knows how much time on stupid nonsense like revisiting said dumb Korean war and other crapola, like all of his stupid “outreach” attempts to blacks, which only had the effect of making him look weak and insecure, naturally. I mean, like always. Republicans should NEVER do this, never, ever, for any reason, ever. It ALWAYS backfires. Always, and it always will, forever. The only reason they do it, I think, is perhaps to make themselves look stupid, I guess on purpose.
Really, the problem here is the Republicans. They fucking suck. They are the reason the country is in this mess.
There is no acceptable reason as to why the democrats are able to literally commit mass fraud on a scale that would have shocked Stalin except for the fact that the republicans always let them get away with literally anything, mostly because they have the constitutions of little girls and run and hide out of fear at the moment someone accuses them of being “racist”, i.e., white.
These worthless fuckheads have no purpose, and no value. They only serve to make everything worse, and they ALL suck. There are no good republicans. If there are any, I mean, if you see one, just wait a year or two. He will change and you will see his true colors.
So- what now?
What now is we cast off the shackles of the damn republican party and create our own laws. Since the democrats do not recognize American laws as valid, we have no reason to, either. Fuck them both.
All a republican will ever do is take his voters for granted, since in my lifetime that is all they have EVER done. All republican politicians I have ever seen or heard of have been failures and disappointments. And you know what? They’re not going to be changing any time soon.
Don’t vote, from now on. There is no reason; their laws are not valid since you are not and will never be given representation.
Create your own country, your own nation; no republicans allowed, no democrats allowed, no politicians of ANY kind allowed, ever. Fuck them all, they all suck and always will.