I just saw Vice’s new breakdown of what they think is the cause of the narcotic plague. It’s this video, here:
As expected from VICE, it basically offers the same analysis that you would expect from a college Sophomore.
It’s just… liberal shit. You know, they’re typical white Democrats. Anyone who has attended a liberal arts university sometime in the past twenty years can I’m sure guess at the video’s message and substance without needing to watch it.
VICE is “accurate”, of course, at least on the few points that you can expect a young, sheltered communications major to be accurate about something like this. But they of course miss the meat of the story, the real causes of the epidemic: 1) the constantly growing divide between the haves and the have nots, 2) the extraordinary and systemic racial alienation of white men, 3) the inability to change the system in any way by anyone who is not Jewish, or supported by Jewish organizations.
Biden, of course, offers no solutions to any of these three overwhelming, civilization destroying problems, of which the narcotic plague is a part.
Liberals are dumb and smallminded of course when it comes to racial problems, especially those suffered by white men- even when those problems are the real cause of problems that eventually are suffered by others, like blacks. Case in point- fentanyl (natch)- invented by white men, abused by white men, turned into a crisis by white men, and now seeping into black communities because of how saturated white America is with it.
Ditto for heroin and pills. Don’t believe VICE when it says this problem originated in the black community. It did not; 80’s and 90’s black America was all about crack and other non-narcotics. Heroin was a white thing until blacks picked it up from them.
And so it goes. The problems of white America, ESPECIALLY those of white men, will soon because the problems of blacks. This is the case for a multitude of reasons, the most obvious one being demographics, but of course there are plenty of others.
Do liberals really believe that if white America dies of fentanyl that black America will be unaffected? Or Mexican America?
If no, why the fuck then do they hate white men so much, and try to sabotage and ruin their lives in the way that they do? The fuck, guys? Ruining white America ruins America for everyone. NOBODY survives, then. Everything fails, everything falls apart, everything dies. You are an utter fool if you cannot see this.
I don’t give a shit what your stupid college professors have told you. They are wrong, and furthermore, they are stupid. They are worthless, ignorant sheep, most of them. And this goes doubly so for any Affirmative Action hires.
We focus, again, on the wrong plague, because we always do. COVID is bullshit, as I have said on here before. The real problem is fentanyl. COVID is fiction, it is a tool of the oligarchs, it only affects the old, it is nonsense. If it is even real it is not a pandemic. The REAL pandemic is of course opioids.
Like, obviously.
COVID is made up; a fairy tale invented by the government so it can pretend to be competent by “fixing” it. Well, that, and it’s yet another avenue for big pharma to harvest profits off the dead corpse of our nation. And of course a method of control for an out of control, power hungry government bent on controlling every part of everyone’s life, forever, because it is too greedy and selfish to just leave everyone the fuck alone.
Fuck COVID. And fuck the retards who think it is important. BECAUSE IT ISN’T. YOU STUPID, WORTHLESS FUCKHEADS. YOU ARE ALL MORONS! Liberals- that goes doubly for you.
A Biden administration means “open borders” which means streets flooded with fentanyl. It means death, for the USA. It will be this nation’s grave. It will ruin the world, and destroy all that is good in it. It will be the worst calamity to ever befall this planet of ours.
There is no hiding from this. You either fight and kill what is happening now, or die later.
From where I sit, I choose to fight. Hence this post.
Choose your own fate. But make no mistake- you MUST choose. Fight and kill, or die. Those are your choices, here.
Pick your future wisely.