Politicians are Worthless Shitheads

Are there any good politicians out there? Anywhere? I mean, it’s just unfathomable, isn’t it?

It’s like, how can they ALL be terrible? And corrupt? And just vile, in general? Again I just… can’t believe how dreadful the entire political class is. It’s like, where are the good ones? Are there any? Is there one, maybe? Somewhere?

I mean there must be ONE, right?



Uhm… maybe not. It seems, probably not.

It’s just baffling, but I guess this is the inevitable end of having your government owned by a foreign nation (Israel), and in our case, a foreign nation that seems actively hostile to our very existence, and moreover, literally on the other side of the world.

So yeah, they all suck. It’s just so dispiriting, isn’t it? Ah, gods, it’s just unreal, how relentlessly and universally shitty politicians are, I guess as an entire class of people. It’s just so horribly depressing, lol.

It’s like, ok… Trump has been a horrifying disaster, OK, fine, we all see that. His entire “thing” seems to still be pretending to be something other than Netanyahu’s personal fluffer and some reality TV show host that lied to get into office and then proceeded to stab his supporters in the back after getting in, apparently to make his worthless children happy, or something.

Trump has lately been pushing this “Repeal Section 230” narrative, I guess basically because he hates the concept of freedom of speech because it offends Jews, the rich, and his fellow politicians. Now, Jack Dorsey may be an unbelievably colossal shithead, an inhumanly greedy oligarch and general monster, and, really, a traitor that probably deserves the death penalty for handing over a vital part of this country’s communications infrastructure to the Communist Party in China, but he did make one good point, lately, when even he was baffled by Trump’s impossibly stupid platform of Repealing 230.

Andrew Torba of Gab, as well, utterly loathes this idea of Trump’s, as well as frankly everyone else in the alt tech area, which basically consists now of all the people that Trump failed to defend after they got him elected. I guess that Trump is just a catastrophically huge asshole when it comes to anything that might potentially upset Jews, and Israeli Jews most especially. He wants to virtually end free speech on the internet, I suppose, to make sure that his boss Netanyahu remains fat and happy.

So yeah, Trump is an enormously stupid and bafflingly incompetent retard. He spent his entire presidency building up his enemies, it seems, specifically to destroy his own supporters. I mean, he’s either unbelievably dumb or horribly traitorous, either one.

Torba on Gab is right when it comes to anything tech, and especially that which is speech-related. The appropriate reaction to Facebook, Twitter, etc. committing mass criminal fraud and blatantly and obviously interfering in a presidential election is to arrest all of the executives and try them all for the crimes they have all committed. Treason charges, especially, should be considered if any of these people have colluded with the Chinese. But of course, Trump will likely not do that, since he is hardly American himself, concerning how much he openly fellates Netanyahu.

Biden of course is dreadful as we all know, and Kamala is even worse. Kamala is probably going to be the worst politician I have ever seen, and I’m NOT looking forward to anything at all that she comes up with. I seriously think again that she is just going to be 4 solid years of relentless white male bashing until this godforsaken clusterfuck of a union finally splits apart.

I’ve been reading about how the majority of people on the conservative side of the isle think the election was rigged, mostly because it obviously was, lol. Yeah, what a disaster this is going to be, lol.

You know- if Trump had bothered ONCE, during his entire presidency, to actually try to represent his voters, ONCE, on some issue of substance, you know- ONCE, the political class here might not be in this predicament. Or, at least, it might not have been so bad. But gawd DAMN, guys. Trump literally sat on his fat, lazy ass for four years as Israel and Wall Street stripmined everything of value out of the country, and he never once bothered to lift a finger to stop any of the pillaging. He stood by impotently as rioters and criminals ran rampant through the cities, burning, killing, raping at will, and he didn’t make so much as a motion to stop any of it.

Trump is a feckless, worthless piece of shit. Probably the worst president we’ve ever had, at least until January. Oh well. At least Israel is happy, right?

I once described Trump’s administration as “Oligarchs Gone Wild”. I fully expect that Biden / Kamala will be like that, only worse, and more frightening and intrusive, and probably genocidal, I would think, to possibly everyone else on Earth.

Basically, I fully expect a Biden / Kamala administration to be some kind of insane, warmongering hydra with a billion heads, each one at someone’s throat. They are going to try to destroy everything, and maybe everyone, that isn’t them. They’re going to load up on the neocons (which has in fact already happened) and go full steam ahead with war against Iran, to make Netanyahu happy. They’re going to flood American streets with fentnayl, and try to kill off any semblance of free speech, here or anywhere else. They’re going to go after Russia, and China, while simultaneously trying to genocide the white working class out of existence here, in the USA.

Biden / Kamala is going to be pure aggression and violence, all the way through. They’re going to attack anyone they can, everyone on Earth, potentially, that isn’t black, jewish, rich, or zionist. The streets here are going to erupt in murderous violence, most especially towards Christian whites, and especially white males. And of course, without white males, everything good in America will cease to function and this country will naturally start to fully implode in on itself, finally. It will be hellish and utterly insane.

And of course, the vaccines, like the ones pushed by Bill “reduce the world’s population by any means necessary” Gates. Population control, pure and simple, there. Who the fuck knows what will be in THOSE things, but the very thought of them makes my skin crawl.

Obviously, I do NOT trust him. Not one bit, and never will. I do not like Bill Gates, and I do not like or trust ANYONE pushing any of this vaccine shit.

I don’t like vaccines. I haven’t taken them in years and I have intention of starting now, and most especially, vaccines being pushed by people who have stated openly that they want to ruin my life, destroy my culture and kill me, too. Fuck THAT, lol.

Ye gods, what a nightmare all of this is going to be, lol. And you know I have a feeling like no matter what I even think, the reality will be significantly worse than I can even imagine, lol.

Yuck. Fuck this.

Not my country, this isn’t. Not even close. My country died on Sept 11th, 2001.

This place isn’t America. It’s “Israelstan”, and I hate it.

Fuck this place.

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