Politicians are Worthless Shitheads, Part II

In our society, your money is your worth as a human being.

Everything else- your intelligence, morality, life experiences, your beliefs and conduct and ideals, your accomplishments and social value, your general worth as a human being, is worthless, here.

In a financialized society, in a plutocracy like ours, all that matters is your bank account. Those little numbers determine your value. They are your life. Nothing else counts, even a little bit. There are no other elements of your life that matter about you, and those fucking little numbers are increasingly impossible to come by these days.

It’s the politicians’ fault. All of them. Them, and the bankers. Wall Street; the NYC crowd. Kill them all. They’re going to destroy our country, apparently on purpose. Because they hate anything not directly related to “getting richer”. The media, the ruling families- the Trumps, Bushes, Clintons, Rockefellers, and all the rest.

Get rid of all of them. Wipe out all the rich. All of them are useless and worthless. None of them seek to help advance anything good or beneficial to the general public, or hell, to any public, anywhere. They want ALL THE MONEY, and are willing to exterminate all life on Earth to get it, it seems.

The military, too. All they ever do is protect the terrorists (the oligarchs, and their pets, like Osama) who are destroying everything good about our way of life.

The traditions of the world, it’s history, the ways and means of human relations, rational thought, common sense, decency, good behavior- none of that matters. All that matters is your bank account.

Race, religion, philosophy, art, beauty, creativity, strength, purity, morals… none of these matter, except for those elements of those that help you to get money. Those ideals, those great things in and of themselves are worth nothing, in our country. All of what is on that list is inherently valueless here.

It’s the banks, and the politicians who support them. All the billionaires, everywhere. All the millionaires. Virtually every single person who lives in Manhatten. Every single person who works on Wall Street, down to the janitors.

Democrats, Republicans, all of them, they are all “the problem”. Big Pharma, and it’s push to “vaccinate” and “quarantine”, i.e. sterilize and starve, the general population, for the crime of not being rich.

In the world they are trying to build, only the rich are to be given a chance to live. The rest are cattle at best.

Basically, it comes down to this- are people willing to do what it takes to survive the genocidal onslaught from the wealthy? The rich have declared war on the rest of humanity. Are we, as people, going to just sit there and take it? Are we going to let them and their pets in Capital Hill wipe us out, or not?

Bill Gates needs to go, one way or another, if we are to live.

This situation is untenable. It needs to stop, and these guys need to be put to heel before they annihilate the Earth.

The Federal Reserve needs to go. All the Trust Fund kids that support Biden need to go. Virtually everyone in Congress, everyone who has ever served as President, everyone in the newsmedia, everyone in the intelligence agencies, everyone in big business, basically everyone in the military. Big list, that.

The problem is that the foundations of the system have been corrupted on a very deep level. Some flaws in our government have let parasites like Israel to get ahold of our system in such a way that it’s become some kind of threat to the world, now.

We need a new system, and we need Israel gone, and all the lobbyists that work for everyone should be fired. Lobbying is just bribery, and lobbying our government directly by a foreign power (ISRAEL) should obviously be highly illegal.

But yeah, that’s basically the gist of it.

There’s your manifesto, guys. Run with it.

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