On the Doom that is Fentanyl, Part II

5 years. That is how long it takes for the body to fully recover from a serious fentanyl addiction.

5 years.

It was a licensed M.D. who specializes in narcotics who told me this.

How the fuck are people supposed to be able to deal with this?

Fentanyl does a lot of shit to the body that is not immediately apparent. Stuff that is deep, and lingers. Changes that take years to undo. The mere cravings can last for years in and of themselves. To undo ALL of the changes takes, yes, five years, maybe more.

Fentanyl, see, changes even the number of pain receptors in the body. And it takes years for that to fully correct itself.

Withdrawal sickness lasts for… six months, or so. And it takes like 6 months for your body to relearn how to make dopamine again. And as bad as all of this sounds, even what I’ve just described here often can’t be achieved without an addiction to a “lesser” opioid in fentanyl’s place, like Suboxone.

This stuff is utter hell. It’s impossible to get off of this stuff without a preposterous amount of saved resources and time.

A fentanyl addiction on the streets is basically a death sentence.

Personally- I have zero confidence in our “leaders'” ability to fix this problem. The narcotics plague has been growing now for decades, and they have yet to make a serious dent in it.

Frankly, they seriously fucking suck. Or, more accurately, they are more concerned with Israel’s safety. They don’t give a fuck about us.

I really dread a Biden administration. He will throw open the borders and fentanyl will flood the streets. I mean, everything on the streets these days can be cut with fentanyl, even if only in trace amounts. Unfortunately, though, that’s all it takes to create a new addict, or to kill.

Our leaders are not going to stop this. They’re going to flail about and try to bury this story under the rug by blanketing the news with shit about COVID. They are only going to look like fools.

There really is no way out of this, is there?

Ye gods, we are truly fucked.

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