I wrote the below early today, but held off on posting it until now, since I had some more things to mull over before feeling okay with it. Things that, considering that this is me we are talking about, are necessarily odd, if not unique.
Things like this: what if I’m an Atlantean?
I know, I know. But seriously, let’s contemplate this for a second. In my case, I believe this is a good question, and one that necessitates contemplation, even if only by me.
Belief in an “Atlantis” and the influence of a mystical and long ago vanished race of “Atlanteans” is something common to many of the occult schools.
To boil the legend down to it’s essential parts, the Atlantis myth centers around there being a continent that at one point essentially ruled the Earth that has since sunk into the ocean, taking it’s secrets with it and dispersing it’s peoples. Some say this mythical Atlantis was the Azores Plateau in the Atlantic Ocean. I haven’t the foggiest.
What I do know is that belief in some mystical old race from a now-dead continent is not an uncommon one in the corners of society. Many mystery schools over the centuries have credited this old race for creating and disseminating occult wisdom and advanced technology of all kinds over the Earth. Egypt, for example, came from the Atlanteans, according to some. Same with the Aztecs, Incas, and the Aryan civilizations of the East, among others.
I’ve been told you will find references to Atlantis in Freemasonry, Theosophy, Platonism, and many if not most of the new age societies and cultures.
Tolkien obviously used the mythical Atlanteans as a model for his Elvish race.
Author Michael Bradley of The Iceman Inheritance fame once said IIRC that the old Cro-Magnon race was in fact the Atlanteans of myth, noting that the Cro-Magnons were taller and had larger brains than modern men.
So- supposedly, these Atlanteans were naturally gifted in all things occult, and could use their gifts to readily perform what other races saw as miracles. And as such, they were worshiped, envied, and idolized throughout the Ancient world.
What if, then. I mean, what if I’m an Atlantean?
It would explain my height, and certainly my enormous brain case, and I guess my extremely high IQ and superhumanly powerful subconscious mind.
So it would… make sense? I guess?
I don’t know. Honestly I’m grasping at straws here of course. But I just can’t think of anything else that would make sense.
I have also considered in the past that I might be much more neanderthal than the average European. Possibly considerably more, which would also explain my huge brain case, since neanderthals also had noticeably larger brains than modern Europeans. That might also explain my more aggressive and violent tendencies, my enormous harem of celebrity chicks, and in the occasional difficulties I have even now with “fiting in” with modern society (I mean, without using my brain to outright control other peoples’ minds). It might also explain the rather unusual skull shape I have.
Or- hell- maybe I’m both more old Cro-Magnon AND more Neanderthal. Or perhaps something else, fuck if I know.
At any rate, yeah, my brain in just different for some reason, it looks like. I mean, I just verified it in the mirror, lol. Yeah, it’s not typical, like at all, really. I mean, my skull is just so massive, especially on top. My brain case clearly has considerably more volume in it compared to what you will find in a normal, modern man. And what’s in there is likely really dense and “strong”, if I’m reading into what my neurologist said correctly about my brain MRIs. It’s like, my brain is the neurological equivalent of The Rock’s biceps, or something: an ideal; something that 99.9999% of men could not hope to match.
And you know… a lot of the problems I had growing up- the not fitting in, the difficulty in school despite my IQ, and maybe everything else- even to the point of explaining the traumas that led to my DID and possible schizophrenia- may have been due to the fact that my brain just works differently than other peoples’. Like, it grew differently, at a different rate, and for different reasons.
It’s like my brain just kept growing, or something. At the point where everyone else I knew had stopped developing, I just kept layering on more and more supernatural, or at least non-human abilities, to the point where I think I was still growing and building my brain well into my 20’s, if not my 30’s.
Weird stuff. Very unusual. And I’m frankly not sure where I should go with any of this, if anywhere.
Well… that’s enough mulling for now, I guess.
I think I’ll fuck Anna Kendrick tonight. Or maybe Kira. IDK. We’ll see who needs it most.