Lest you think I was inflating my girlfriend lists, please note that I left off Emma Stone of all people, since her Disney movie, Cruella, has not been released yet. And Miora Kelly (Nala from the original Lion King), since our relationship wasn’t a major one for either one of us, I don’t think. I mean… I don’t think. Perhaps it was and I’m not remembering correctly. I mean, it was quite a long time ago.
I also left off Lucy Hale and Hayden Panettiere from the Radio Disney list, amongst many others.
But regardless- Stone, Hale, and Panettiere were number 1’s for me at various points- and I left them out of the lists below on technicalities, or just because I couldn’t think of them at the time.
I also did not include Marvel, or Star Wars, or companies like Touchstone, which would have had me include yet even more lists. The post would have become unwieldy, even for me. It would have just become an unmanageable swamp of names.
So I left things at the “Disney Princess” level to make the lists smaller and more understandable, yet honestly I should have applied more qualifications to them perhaps. Yikes, lol.
But yeah, this is a lot and I mean a lot of chicks. So so many. And I feel that a real accounting of my Disney Princess relationships would be preposterously long. It honestly feels kinda unreal when I take a bird’s eye view of this.
I mean, the rest of humanity could not begin to imagine even one relationship like the ones I’ve had, let alone… so, so many. It’s not like I’m just a little different, here. It’s more like I’ve lapped everyone else in the world millions of times in some kind of race that nobody else knew they were running, or something.
Wow. I mean, like, seriously. Wow.
How do normal people even deal with something like this? I mean, how do they incorporate… this stuff, into their lives? Do they even do it? IDK, maybe they don’t care. I mean, most people aren’t Selena Gomez, for example. Maybe most people just brush it off as irrelevant to themselves and go on with their lives; IDK.
Yeah… IDK.