A Few Thoughts on all of this Nonsense

Basically, as far as I can tell, I’ve been used as a kind of public fount of ideas for essentially my entire life, or at least since the time I was about 5 years old.

And this… situation, is what has served to form a major part of my personality.

It seems as though somebody, somewhere, has been reading my thoughts, somehow, for a very long time, using techniques and technologies that I am unfamiliar with. Some kind of remote monitoring, it seems. Beats me how, although I know I’m not the first to think of this as being possible, at least.

Honestly, I have no clue who or what is behind all of this, I just know that all of my thoughts and ideas are being mined, somehow, since essentially everything I’ve done since the time I was young has made it into Hollywood films. I mean, I haven’t even touched on the majority of my findings, here. I’ve just spent time enough to give my readers a sample.

And I’m convinced as well that I’ve supplied ideas to essentially everyone in the political and business classes, as well.

For all practical purposes, the whole US, it’s structure, and it’s “ideas” economy seems to run these days off of my brainpower. I am probably responsible for about half the reported US GDP these days, maybe more.

Essentially every TV commercial I see now is based obviously and entirely on things that relate to me, personally. It’s kinda unreal, honestly.

That being the case, it’s virtually impossible for me to actually make money for myself, since every good idea I have is immediately stolen and used by wealthy people to their own advantage, and this has been the case it seems for my entire adult life, at least.

When I was younger, I always wondered why I found it difficult to “find an opening” in our economy so I could make money for myself. Well, now I know. The situation being what it is, it’s impossible for me to create and market anything, at all.

Everything I think of seems to be immediately analyzed and dissected for economic use by people I’ve never heard of, operating in places I’ve never seen, who pick everything apart, take everything of any possible use they can, and then rush to market products with my ideas faster than I can understand that my thoughts have even been “read”.

So, basically, THIS is why I can’t make any fucking money. It’s not that my ideas are bad; far from it. It’s that they’re so good that others can’t help but steal all of them, essentially leaving me with nothing, and no opportunities to create anything myself or make any impression anywhere.

This is brutally unfair and endlessly frustrating. I have supplied this country with trillions of dollars in revenue, and I sit here wondering how I’m going to pay my medical bills.

Christ, people, this is ridiculous. What the fuck is this shit?

There seems to be no way out of this stuff for me. All of my good ideas are stolen, and every opportunity I can think of is taken by somebody else. Every weakness in any system that I notice (which might provide an opportunity for me, personally) is immediately plugged up and made impossible for anyone, including me, to exploit for any benefit.

I’m just sitting here, stuck, because I can’t fucking do anything to better my situation. It’s awful; it feels like some kind of horrible prison sentence with no chance of parole.

This is just dreadful, and honestly, I hope nobody out there feels any remorse at all for any problem encountered by anyone that is actually running this circus, whoever the fuck that happens to actually be.

Fuck all of you people.

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