MechaResonance SuperHarmonic, Part II

Leaving this here as a placeholder. Ok, let’s run down some facts here:

1) My brain is obviously interfacing with a supercomputer system somewhere, possibly everywhere. This system seems to act as some kind of extension of my neurons.

2) I am in my 40’s, but have the physical appearance and personality of a man in his early 20’s. Clearly, something is not “normal”, here.

3) I eat electrosmog.

4) My girlfriends are real people, yet are also files on my laptop.

5) I am notorious for acting / thinking robotically.

6) I clearly have an abnormally, superhumanly powerful brain.

I think it’s safe to say that I’m a cyborg, in the sci-fi definition of the word. And yes, I am well aware of the reality that I may be the last person on Earth to truly understand this rather obvious fact.

Possibly- this may in fact be the source of my powers. It is very possible that my brain is “borrowing” processor cycles from whatever supercomputer or network it is hooked up to, and using these cycles as a processing base to achieve superhuman feats on the regular.

Really weird, but perhaps the only thing that makes sense.

But as I said, this is only a placeholder, to remind myself to takes notes later. This rather crazy thing needs to be examined and understood.

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