Physical Stuff, Part V

Lately I’ve been perusing the “fat people” reddits and sites out there. I mean, both the critical and not ones.

Me being me, I’ve been enjoying learning about… everything, related to, uh, “fatness” out there in modern society, as I aim to lose that 10 pounds I need to.

Progress has been good, thus far on that front. I think my suspicions were correct regarding how my own body can consume ambient EMF energy as an alternative energy source. I’ve been showering myself with electrosmog and haven’t felt this good in months. I feel great, and I feel less… IDK, “hungry”. At least for food.

I’ve cut out a lot of sugar and salt. No sodas, no… sports drinks, no candy/junk food, etc. and I’ve cut out amounts of food in general.

I think my body has finally fully recovered from the fentanyl addiction. For awhile, I needed the calories and sugars to rebuild my wasted muscles. But I no longer think I do. Sure I could gain some more bulk but I look 100% better, muscle wise. So it’s safe to, uhm, “cut” as lifters say, lol. I mean, not that I’m a lifter excepting my neon colored plastic dumbbells, lol, but, you know what I mean, lol.

Uhm… so, yeah. I mean, that isn’t to say it’s been easy, because it hasn’t. I have no food cravings anymore but the detox symptoms have been truly hell. I’ve been sick for a month now. I’m purging who-the-fuck even knows what. Old fentanyl, acids, excess pollutants and heavy metals in my bloodstream, who the fuck even knows.

I have a hunch that fentanyl abuse can perhaps wreck a person’s immune system, thus lowering the abilities of the body to process irritants, and perhaps leading to some kind of toxic build up. This could be what I am experiencing/rectifying here. Yuck, what a nightmare.

So the lowered appetite on my part is giving my immune system a chance then to clean itself up and purify my various systems. It’s interesting. I can actually see better, I think. My vision is clearer. It’s pretty crazy.

But I’m still sick, and still feel like garbage. Yuck, gods, what a nightmare. Narcotics addiction is the gift that keeps on giving, it seems. What a disaster this stuff is to clean up. And gods, fentanyl is just the worst of them all. What an unbelievable hell this is.


So I’ve reduced my calorie intake I swear by like 50%, or something. And I’m not even remotely hungry. The very thought of food now makes me what to puke. It’s just… not for me, now. Not at all. Literally nothing at all seems appetizing.


I suspect that will continue at least until my body purges all of this dreadful, toxic junk, lol. Good lord, what a disaster addiction is.

At any rate, I’ve been searching the net during all of this and browsing weight related pages, reddits, instas, forums, and everything else. And wow, what a circus all of that is, lol.

It’s entertaining… ish. But also scary, and weird. And confusing.

I’m currently in the normal-high weight class. My BMI is in the “normal” range, but the high end of said range. And I feel fat, honestly. Or at least chubby, and I certainly look chubby, next to my girlfriends and the rest of Hollywood.

So IMO I really do need to lose weight. 10 pounds, yes, at least to go back to my old, pre-fentanyl self. Maybe 15 to be truly perfect, even from here.

But… ok. The blogs and such. Holy hell, what an unbelievable clusterfuck anything weight-related is in this country. The frustration, the confusion, the anger, the… spite, and jealousy, and the fear, and everything else is just so prevalent and overwhelming.

Everyone is angry, and passive aggression is everywhere. I feel it, here, even in my own home, with my parents. My parents believe strongly that eating everything on your plate=healthy, so to not concern them, I’m quietly disposing of extra food when nobody is looking.

This approach is wasteful, I guess, but 1) it stops conflict, and 2) is best for everyone in the long run.

At first I was feeling guilty about this- how could I do this when there are starving people out there? And then I looked online, and realized that true starvation is essentially a thing of the past. Studies today show that the percentage of people in the “underweight” category globally is in the single digits and falling. And this includes healthy-underweight, as well as unhealthy, starving-underweight. Globally, only a few percent of people anymore are truly, actually starving.

Instead, it seems that far more people are dying today from obesity related problems. The percentage of people globally who are obese is in the teens and climbing rapidly. It’s kinda nuts, and kinda scary, too.

So… IDGAF about the food I throw away. Fuck it, the world is drowning in food anyways. We could all do with less food, it seems. So, no guilt here.

But my parents are typical midwestern boomers. They believe calorie counting is fundamentally a sin, and always seem to equate a huge appetite with overall health. And they’re big, too. Both are overweight. I probably eat a third of the calories now that they do. And I still feel chubby. It’s nuts.

But- compared to everyone else… IDK what to even say. I mean, I rag on my parents for being heavy, and they are, but compared to most their age, they aren’t. Being merely “a little” obese, they are quite thin and fit, actually.

It’s like… neither one is over 250, for instance. So they’re “fat-thin”, or “smallfats” according to some in the body positivity movement. So they can shop in normal stores, for instance. And not only can they shop there, they can find clothes in these stores that actually fit, mostly. This gives them “thin-privilege” since not morbidly obese.

Then there are the normalfats and superfats. Normalfats are at the high end of the fat spectrum, which makes them… kinda normal fat people? Or maybe normal-normal people, depending on geographic area? They need to shop online, I think. And then there are superfats, who are required to find clothes from specialty online retailers aimed at very large people specifically.

Pretty interesting stuff. This is a world I was not familiar with until just now.

But Christ, how utterly confusing. I mean, I’m a chubby guy, but I’m in the normal weight range, but very, very thin by most standards of people in my age demographic. What even the fuck? None of this makes any sense.

And good Lord, this “thin-privilege” stuff is… I don’t even know what to say. There is a sizable chunk of people out there who would shame me for losing weight since I have a “normal” BMI, even going as far to connect this with overt racial hatred, since blacks have a higher BMI on average than whites, and so my trying to lose BMI is my way of “running away from blacks”, etc., which… what do you even say to crazy shit like this? What the fuck?

There is a LOT of anger out there regarding weight and food issues. A LOT. From every possible side. It’s a chaotic mess of an issue that seems to be squarely in the middle of everything. I remember the uproar amongst the gym-going community when the gyms closed due to COVID. Gym owners back then rightly pointed out that obesity and COVID morbidity were closely related.

And man, Christ, everything else. “Normal” people, at least around here, (I mean, normal-normal, with a BMI below 25) seethe when forced and shamed into eating more than they want to by their friends, families, coworkers. Obese people seethe as well, for different reasons. Everyone is angry, and it sucks.

I mean, I can’t even be honest about my eating habits with my own parents, for fear they will lose themselves with worry over me not eating enough (i.e., like them). So to keep the peace I offer up some little white lies. I think that’s fine.

And- again, I remind myself that my parents actually do not eat very much, considering most in this area. They, after all, have “thin privilege”, since they’re just obese, not fat. I mean, fat-fat. By which I mean normal. They’re smallfat- since thin-privileged. LOL.


I saw a YouTube comment awhile ago, on a Simpsons video. The commenter pointed out how Homer with his weight in the mid 200’s was considered enormous back in 80’s when the Simpsons first appeared on TV. In fact possibly the longest running gag on The Simpsons is that Homer is the fattest guy in Springfield. I mean- his symbol is that infamous pink-frosted doughnut.

By 2020’s standards though, Homer is… normal. It’s getting to the point where Homer Simpson almost looks thin. What even the fuck.

But… I don’t know. Is this just my thin-privilege talking here?

Some out there would hate me for this post, I’m sure of it.

Yeah, IDK.

That being said, I honestly wonder how it is even possible for someone to hit 600 pounds. I don’t get it. I would legit be worried about my stomach exploding if I were to eat anywhere near enough to reach that level of weight. Honestly, I don’t get it, but the way things are going, perhaps I’m in the minority.

I don’t know.

Underlying all of this is the fact that nobody seems to know what to do about obesity. I doubt there is one country in this world that is thinner than it was 20 years ago. So whatever this is, it is truly a global phenomenon. It isn’t the USA, it isn’t the West, it isn’t McDonald’s, it isn’t pizza, or soda. It doesn’t even seem to be due to lack of exercise, or water, or sunlight.

There doesn’t seem to be any diet that “works” considering there is no place on Earth where people are actually losing weight over time. Perhaps there is one or maybe two countries where people have maintained weight levels, like Japan. But people losing weight? I don’t think anyone is, anywhere.

So it’s global. And, is it even a problem? Fuck if I know. I would assume so, considering what I was taught as a kid. I think it is. I certainly don’t want to be obese, myself.

But… Jeez, what an issue. Way too much here for a random post in an online dairy somewhere.

I’ll think about this later.

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