Murder Death Kill

So it continues. The big headlines this weekend, apart from the holiday celebrations, was the explosion in violence here around Chicago. It’s not going to stop, is it? It’s just going to get worse and worse and worse until…

Well, we know how it’s going to end. War.

Civil War II, when it begins, will probably begin here in Chicago. Well, I’m 95% sure of it. It’s just a feeling- a hunch- but it’s a strong one. This place is a powder keg. People are very, VERY angry here. And violent. And armed to the teeth. And extremely depressed as a rule. Hopelessness abounds, everywhere.

A recent Gallup poll had Illinois ranked as the “Worst State to Live in”. It was voted as such by the residents of Illinois itself, 25% of whom said that Illinois was the worst place in the US. Depressingly, no other state even came close to having the level of despair as this God-forsaken state does. Yes, it’s that bad here, and it’s getting worse. I would move away- far, far away- if not for my job, which isn’t a bad one in this economy. I think that I’ll stay here for awhile because I’m overall pretty safe, owing to my job, my parents, and my magic. I hope that that isn’t a mistake.

The crime syndicates that run Illinois have destroyed it. They’ve stripmined everything good out of this area and replaced all of it with emptiness, extreme racial animosity, and general misery. And now, of course, they’re inflicting this fate on the rest of the US through their proxy Kenyan in the White House. It’s horrible and tragic, it really is, and it will cost the United States it’s future, it not everything it has. Sad.

In his book Civil War II: The Coming Breakup of America, ex-mercenary / war journalist Thomas Chittum pointed out that most empires dissolve when the ethnic majority whittles down to about 50% of the total population, as it’s usually at this point that the financial demands on the majority become too much to bear and the system breaks down. We’re almost there, I think. Just a couple more years. Maybe less.

He used the shattering of the USSR as an example. At the height of it’s power, the USSR was at least 85% ethnic Russian. By the mid 80’s, it was about 50% Russian. After that, it collapsed.

I’m not a historian by profession, but Chittum’s model seems logical enough to me, and it fits well with my limited knowledge of modern history.

Ah well. It was nice while it lasted, yes?

I remember screaming about all of this on Twitter a couple of years ago. I warned everyone. I made it perfectly clear that war was inevitable if nothing was done to clean up this area. Nobody listened. Naturally.

I mean, why would they listen to me and all of my petty, meaningless concerns about things like the spiraling crime rate, the growing levels of racial violence, and grotesque wealth inequality? I mean, as long as JP Morgan execs get their bonuses, what else is there to worry about, right?

It’s shocking how stupid, and I mean STUPID, the media is in this country, especially in regards to financial matters. All we’ve heard about economically since 2008 has been preposterous nonsense about the “recovery”, when anyone with half a brain can see that we’re mired in a terrible economic depression that has lasted for at LEAST six years.

And our oligarchs here wonder why things like the Ukraine situation don’t go their way. Hey you idiots, you can’t even run your OWN country! How do you expect to run others’? Grow a brain, you morons!!!

I don’t understand why people are not out in the streets protesting. Where is the outrage at the lies and misdirections? Where is the concern about the financial tyranny of Wall Street? Don’t people get that their futures, if not their lives, are on the line here?

Don’t they read my twitter? I mean, look at me, guys! I’m a slut that has sex with all the Hollywood girls! Look at me! Scandal! Sex! Drug abuse! Self- harm! Racism! Secret societies! Gossip! Violence! Mind control! I got all the super controversial stuff that you just die to read about- and I hate Wall Street! So why don’t you hate it too?

Why won’t they listen to me, damn it? I mean, I’m famous, right? Everyone knows about me. So why am I not accorded that same level of fawning as any other flash in the pan, 15 minutes of fame pop idol?

Yeah, I know why. I shouldn’t be famous. People shouldn’t listen to me. I should just rant here where people won’t see it, so that’s what I’ll do.

So to summarize… this is going to end badly. Of course.

If nothing else, I am at least getting a laugh out of watching Obama (or Barry, or Soebarkah, or whatever the hell his name is) trying to outfit police departments with heavier guns and tanks in advance of the inevitable. Like any of that will make a difference. Hahahaha!!!

When the system goes, nothing will save the oligarchs here. They’re doomed, unless they flee for their lives early, and even then, they can and will be hunted down. The world is smaller now, and you can’t hide $250 billion in stolen wealth easily. They’re fucked.

Which is the only good thing that will come from this. Personally- I want Blankfein’s head as a trophy. I think I’ll stick it on a pike on my front lawn as a warning to trespassers.

Enjoy the violence, everyone! Hahahahahaha!!!

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