Yeah, this is actually a part 1, lol. I know, I’m as shocked as you are, lmao.
Alright. So… a few random thoughts, to start.
I liked the opening ceremony, save for the fact that I had to watch it this morning, instead of when it was aired. XFinity choked last night and refused to cooperate. It kept giving me an “Error 8100” code. Fuck. Well, whatever.
It was… spartan, but effective. The fact that I had to watch it after the fact I think made the shorter length of the pagentry more welcome.
I liked the symbolisms, like those of the costuming, and those incorporated into the various dances and the LED (?) floor. The drones were nice.
The guy imitating the various symbols for the events was I think the real star of the show. His routine kicked ass, and I plan to watch it again, later.
My most “uncanny valley” moment in all of this were the blocks that the kids arranged. That was something that I did, that I had forgotten about, with blocks just like those that were used in the ceremony. It was… interesting, I guess disassociating, seeing it, but… cool, since a good memory that I had completely forgotten. Weird stuff, this is.
I liken the blocks moment to seeing all of the stuff in Young Sheldon. Holy Jeebus, lol. I downloaded a bunch of clips that show to see McKenna Grace and wow, apparently people remember / know much much more about my childhood that I do, lol. It’s all the details, of everything- look, that’s my old science set! There’s the water fountain from school that didn’t really work. That’s my old flashlight, my old posters, my old classroom, my old science projects, my old computer… my old sheets, even. It’s… interesting, and… kinda… neat. I guess it depends on how all of this is used.
I suppose that my own moral code demands that I should be offended by all of this, but honestly, I often can’t be. It’s all very impressive, all of this is, and frankly interesting as hell. The scientist in me is having a field day these days, figuring out this or that cause and meaning of each tangent and detail I notice.
So it’s… kinda cool. I suppose that the overarching situation here is that the entire contents of my noggin have been uploaded to some supercomputer somewhere. Is this correct? Is it these thoughts that form the foundation of the computer system that is planned to run the world in the future? It would seem like it, I suppose. At least, that’s what the end of the Matrix trilogy tells me. Tom (Neo- whose real name in the movies is Tom, remember) becomes one with the source by plugging in his noggin and saving / running the world, or something. Something, lol. IDK, I will wait and see how the next film in that series plays out, I guess.
Speaking of which- I got to see some TaeKwonDo.
I get it, now. Some years back here I wrote a screed that lamented my past inability to capitalize on my own innate skills in that sport. IIRC, in that piece I wondered why I couldn’t, back then, fulfill my destiny, so to speak. Well, now I know.
Half of my mind, my ability, my body, seems to be devoted to communicating and setting up the system that will run the Earth for / with me. And THAT is why I couldn’t fulfill my earlier potential. I was smart, but half of my IQ was being taken and used for… NWO things, without my full knowledge of the situation.
So THAT’S why it didn’t quite “gel” for me. I mean, the pieces were all there. Watching the sport today, I can see that I easily could have gone to the games myself and competed, had all of my faculties been my own.
The pieces were all there- I was young, but had over a decade of experience in TKD by the time I was 16. I was trained by a former Olympian himself who placed second twice in the games in his weight class. I was a natural athelete and was VERY good at Martial Arts- just watch The Matrix again if you doubt this. Not that I was superhuman or anything, lol, but I was the Neo character’s inspiration.
I could have gone myself, and frankly I should have, and I easily could have, and honestly, I probably could have taken home a medal or two myself, but… half of my mind was taken up by developing the media… matrix. So I only had half of my abilities truly available to myself, alone. And I was confused- I couldn’t figure out why I was so incredibly different from everyone else, and that bothered me.
Fuck, though. Gawd dammit, I could have been a flag bearer, lol. God DAMN it, lol. Ohhhh that burns. I was every bit as good as those guys I watched today. Oh man, that reeeeally grinds my gears, lol. With Olympic training I could have done it. I remember the other Olympic athletes that I knew back then describing their own training routines and yeah, I could have handled it, had my mind been fully my own.
Grrrrrrrr, lol. Fuck, you guys fucking OWE me, lol.
Well, at least I’m there, even if as some unseen vampire cyborg god, lol. In that way I got what I should have had, back then, I guess in my own way. Fine, then.
But yeah, very interesting. What an incredibly huge and varied world this is.
I’m enjoying the sports. I finally get to see the stuff that I like.
I love sports, and I love physical activity. I exercise an hour a day, every day, for example. It’s wonderful; good sports give me life. Exercise is great for me, and I get antsy when I don’t get what I need, there.
I… don’t like, much, “normal” sports culture. The NFL, for example. Sure I might watch the superbowl, but the overall culture I don’t get and don’t like.
There is too much extraneous stuff, there. Local politics get involved. This city vs. that one, etc. I hate that irrelevant nonsense. It’s stupid, and frankly beneath me. At least a hundred years ago that stuff actually made sense- when Chicago players actually came from Chicago, for example. Now they come from everywhere but Chicago, it seems. The Bears are not even a Chicago team! The same with the Packers. So, really, who gives a shit anymore? It says nothing about either city one way or another anymore. That rivalry is dumb, along with all of the others, honestly. Fucking stupid.
There is something really really toxic and about the NFL and it’s fandom. IDK, it almost seems as though the people who get involved with the NFL fandom the most are the most out of shape people in the country. It’s truly bizarre. They’re not fans of sports, most of them. You can tell, they’re obviously wayyyy too out of shape for that, lol. How many of them even exercise, regularly? Would we even be talking double digits, there? So… what do they even get out of their fandom?
I don’t know, but there’s really wrong about all of that that seems to go even deeper than anything I have ever touched on, here. I don’t know. It’s almost as if the NFL culture intentionally pushes people away from healthy activities that should define someone that does have an appreciation for sports. It seems to encourage sloth and excess, if not obesity itself, on the part of it’s fandom. Or something like that; I don’t know, I try to stay away from the NFL, myself. I always have.
Of course in America, in the heart of the Midwest, it’s almost impossible to keep yourself away from it totally. But even when I get involved it’s always in a guarded manner.
But I’m getting wayyyy off topic, here. lol.
Yeah. Olympics. Fun.