Thoughts on the Olympics, Part II

Well, an interesting day.

I watched the triathalon. Holy shit, those people are fit. Un-be-fucking-lievable. Something like 45 minutes of hard swimming, followed by 45 minutes of biking, followed by 45 minutes of sprinting, with no chances to rest during any of it. Christ almighty! Every time I watch one of those I am utterly blown away by it. Unreal. Those athletes can’t be human, lol. And I say this as a cyborg vampire god, so you know I know what I’m talking about there, haha. Good Lord!

The kind of dedication needed to reach that plateau of physical ability is beyond what I can even conceive. Honestly, it’s just… baffling, lol. I’m a good athlete but that level is beyond anything I have ever seen IRL from anyone, ever. The ability to even compete in that kind of sport on a global arena must involve a combination of peerless genetics, a perfect environment, a world class support network, and a phenomenal amount of concentration towards achieving the end goal.

Well, incredibly impressive, to be sure.

Comcast decided to work better for me today, which was welcome. I only got a couple of “8100” errors, and those were only in the morning. So, nice. Nicer, rather.

Comcast? Get your shit straightened out. Thanks.

I saw bits and pieces of quite a few other sports. Neat. I’m liking the ability to stream what I want now, instead of just… taking what I’m given. It makes the experience I think deeper in some ways. It certainly changes things to not watch any of the athlete promos that NBC is so fond of running during their primetime presentation.

I think it makes the experience more global. No promos = less jingoism, it seems. It becomes more about the sport, and less about the fluff- the politics, the running tallies of medal counts, the omnipresent talking heads’ opinions about subjects that they are clearly not knowledgeable about, etc. In this case, less is certainly more.

More sports, at least. Less fluff means more stuff that is actually worth watching.

Not that the politics weren’t there, of course. They’re in all the commercials, for example. All those commercials for… the NWO, lol. You know the ones. All of them. As in every commercial, no matter the company or product.

The commercials this year are all indistinguishable, at least to me. It’s like they’re all make by the same people, literally. I don’t mean the same group of people, I mean literally the same individual people.

They’re all just variations on the same themes. They’re so similar they all just kind of blend together for me, like some kind of messy watercolor. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m legit struggling to even remember the products these commercials were ostensibly hawking.

There are a few conservative-oriented commercials that are run on xfinity, but even those are just the same as each other, too.

It’s all kind of… boring. Past Olympics had commercials that I remember fondly, since so unique and replayed over and over again throughout the games. Off the top of my head, like that Coca Cola commercial that advertised their sponsorship of the games set to that Sia song. Man, that thing was EPIC. And a few other commercials from past games that I still remember to this day.

These? They’re all kind of… blah. And I’m plastered over each one of them, I know, but still. I’ve done so much in my life- why not take some of the other stuff to make commercials? Something, IDK, comedic, or something? Or something from my college years? Why not?

I’m missing the John Williams theme. I don’t know if the TV production has it, but I wish xfinity did, that’s for sure.

Well, that’s it for now.

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