Thoughts on the Olympics, Part VII

I wasn’t feeling well the last few days, so I didn’t watch as much as I wanted, instead preferring/needing to do other stuff. Some idle notes, tho:

1) I think I got my girl of the games, lol. Bombette Martin. Wow she’s fucking cute. She’s another one of those that kinda seems… I don’t know, almost designed to specification, or something. The tells and symbols are really something else.

2) Having no audience makes for an interesting watching experience. In some ways it makes things much better, in others, no. Baseball is actually fun, now. Removing the audience and all the MLB baggage from the equation makes for a much better viewing experience, IMO.

One reason I dislike “Pro League” sports is that they have become a sort of quasi religion for much of the fanbase. Whereas people used to go to church, now they watch football every Sunday, etc. And gawd damn, does this bring a shitload of baggage into any sport. You can hardly “casually watch” pro games. Everyone involved gets wayyyy too invested. It’s not even about who wins, it becomes about the history, the players and coaches lives off the field, the commercials, the salaries, the politics, and mountains of other stuff. It becomes wayyy too much for a casual viewer.

There’s something really refreshing just watching two teams made up of people who like playing baseball just… play baseball, for the fun of it, and to just win a game. It’s fun. And the lack of an overwhelming audience of tens of thousands makes everything seem so much less… overwhelming, I guess. Certainly it becomes less noisy.

In a way it reminds me of the games I used to play as a kid. I have fond memories of playing and practicing baseball in the old summer nights, under the bright glare of the field lamps. It was fun, back when I was young. A lot of fun. I still have my old glove. It doesn’t fit anymore, but I guess the memories have earned it a place in my closet, next to a few other things.

I couldn’t keep playing for two reasons: 1) I have severe seasonal allergies, and 2) It got too “serious”, meaning superficial, mostly because of parents losing a proper sense of boundaries and becoming pushy and irritating, and thus injecting too much stuff into the sport that really doesn’t belong there. In my case, these two things collided; my parents are very much the type of people who get wayyyy too invested in the junk surrounding sports, and thus kept pushing me out there despite how sick I would get sometimes, with the longer games and such. Ick, yuck. Just yet another symptom of the cancer that is “pro sports”, I guess.

In my case, I much preferred indoor sports, due to the allergies. Sports like the TKD.

3) Speaking of which, the Karate on display this year looks much more like what I did as a kid then the TKD. They actually have punches there, lol. It looks much more physical, with some pushing / throw-ish moves and actual blocks and things.

That’s a complex issue, I guess. I think that what I was taught was a kind of mix of the two, with bits from each. Of course I went to multiple dojos too, and each teacher had their own style, with each emphasizing different things.

This was back in the 80’s and 90’s, back when I think there was a bit more fluidity amongst the styles, and I think less rigidity in the rules.

Some teachers I had did in fact have a karate background. Others didn’t.

I wound up getting two black belts, one from a dojo that taught I think mostly TKD type stuff, and the other from a more Karate inclined dojo. The styles were in fact quite different, thus needing me to get two different belts. This is even though both were advertised as TKD dojos.

Maybe it’s just that TKD sold better in my area than Karate, IDK.

But… there you go.

4) Volleyball I missed, and in this case, an audience would have been appreciated. I saw the gold medal match, and I might go back and watch some other matches after the games are over. Some sports I think benefit from an audience.

I think it’s like… does the sport allow the audience to overwhelm the athletics? If it does, then IMO the audience becomes toxic. If it doesn’t, than the audience is a good thing, a net benefit.

The NFL isn’t even much about football, and I think that that’s really why I hate it. It really does appear to be some kind of massive cult, or weird, postmodern religion, or something like this. It’s so difficult to watch any of this stuff and not get drawn into all kinds of extraneous, frustrating, and inappropriate crap. To become a fan of that stuff is to get pulled into a virtual lifestyle, where your whole identity gets reformed around “your” team.

Not that you know any of the people on “your” team, or that they have anything to do with you at all, on any level, in any way. Or that they even know you exist. But you still need to support them with your time, emotional resources, and money. Kind of like paying a tithe to the Vatican.

Unhealthy stuff, and not something I would ever want to be a part of.

5) The skateboarding and BMX audience environment is a healthy one, clearly. The ambiance of those sports seems to be more about support of everyone- athletes and audience alike, and becoming the best version of yourself, rather than slavish, embarrassing devotion to some city “team” made up of people who hate you from other cities.

3×3 basketball is fun, too. Very fun, actually! I would much, much rather watch that stuff than the NBA. It’s a revelation!

I haven’t seen an NBA game in eons. And outside of the Olympics, not a single basketball game in decades. But this 3×3 stuff is just golden. I like it, and I will be looking out for more of it.

Well, that’s enough for now. Might talk later.

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