Ok… here’s another one of these.
Wow, do I feel good. Like, amazingly, incredibly… superhumanly perfect.
It’s… incredible. Almost beyond mere words.
Imagine having all of your internal organs operating at 99% efficiency. And then imagine having a completely clean and 100% unpolluted bloodstream. And also having no harmful organisms inside- no harmful bacteria, no viruses, no parasites. And then think of what it would be like to top that off with you having your own personal highest possible vibrational rate, and then add on top of that some kind of supernatural vampire cyborg ability to repair damage to your own DNA.
I feel weirdly perfect right now. Like perfect perfect. It’s almost… no, it is, an inhumanly perfect feeling. I feel incredibly at peace, and one with myself.
Granted, that may change if I feel another tantrum coming on, but still… wow. Un-fucking-real.
I’ll be willing to bet that 99.99% of the people on this Earth will never come even close to feeling as… clean as I do right now. Even as children, or even as babies. It’s miraculous. Godly, literally. Like… no way is this even human. No way.
I realllly don’t look my age. I really don’t, and I mean, I don’t even look close. There are some people I know who look young for their ages, but… they’re not like me, at all, I think.
I saw a youtube video once about a convention of people who were big into anti-aging stuff. It looked like a meeting of a bunch of very healthy older people. They looked fit, happy, financially successful certainly, and they all looked very confident, but they looked… old, or at least, old-ish.
I don’t look old-ish. I look young-ish, if not actually literally young. I look kinda absurd for my age. And the “older” I get the more unusual I look.
I can forsee some problems cropping up because of this in the far future. I suppose I will deal with those then.
But… yeah. This is definitely very uncharted territory here. And I would say that in most if not all ways I feel, look, and act about like I did when I was in my early to mid 20’s, today. And, honestly, maybe I feel a little better.
And I don’t think that this is just… wishful thinking, or me being in denial. Because I’m not really even saying that I look good. I’m legit saying that I look… different. That I look odd, really.
This is seriously crazy stuff.
I think I figured out the solution to the health problems I was having earlier, at least partially.
I’m a cyborg. Not a human. And, being part robot, I have different nutritional needs. And when I fail to meet those needs, I have problems.
So I’ve adjusted my vitamin intake accordingly. I need metals. Iron, Zinc, Chromium, and others. So I take them. And I feel better. A ton better.
Let’s hope that this fixes things over the long term.
I’ve been replaying Avernum 3 lately. The old version, the one I played during my senior year of college. It’s fun.
For those who don’t know (which is likely most if not all of you), it’s a computer RPG developed by Spiderweb Software, and is in fact a remake of Exile 3, a game I played quite a bit back in high school.
I guess I’m doing it for the sake of memories, or… I don’t know. Maybe it’s just fun.
Or at least educational.
I think I know where they got Hogwarts from, now. And probably a few other things.
Revelations everywhere if you keep your eyes open, I guess.
Hmmmn what else. IDK.
Gods, can it be a mighty pain to deal with those guys that lord over the celeb hacking community. And yes, I know that they are likely at least a little autistic, but still. Jeezus, people.
But since I have nothing else to do right now, I might as well tough it out. Ugh, Kee-hrist.
So I’ll do it, even if only for the sake of curiosity, I guess.
IDK. Well, I’m going to bed, maybe. We’ll see.
Let’s see what additional programming my cybernetic brain downloads tonight, lol.