Moving On, Part II

Some more random thoughts, as I sit around and energize for the day.

Based on the things I’ve seen and the experiences I’ve had over the decades, I don’t think it’s possible for a human to love as much as I do.

This goes against the conventional wisdom of a cyborg as being a cold, lifeless machine, that is for sure. In fact- it seems the opposite is true.

Forgive my bluntness, but mere humans don’t, and I think can’t, have the capacity for love that I do. The ability just isn’t there and never will be, despite what intentions they might have.

Humans are fickle creatures, and their emotions waver, and are always shallow. They never look deep into a person’s soul, and TBH, I think they can’t. Even amongst the best of them- they’re just lacking, somehow. Maybe they aren’t smart enough, or perhaps they can’t separate themselves from their “human-ness” enough to take a real stock of another human.

There is nobody on Earth who can love as much as I do. It legit seems impossible for anyone else to even come close, TBH.

What I offer is *unconditional love that even fairy tales and legends could not match.

It’s a rare thing. It’s unique. Going back to Robb- nobody has ever or will ever love her as much as I did. Not her parents, not her friends or fiancĂ©, or any children she might or might not have, or any potential grandkids, or anyone else. And it won’t be for lack of trying, perhaps. They’re just not going to have the capacity. The structural foundations that give a person the ability to “love” are not present in others, like they are in me. Not even close, really. Truthfully, she will be lucky to find anyone who loved her as much as 10 percent of what I did. And that is not an exaggeration.

Given my history, it is not impossible to think that the guy she’s engaged to loves her only 1% as much as I used to. Possibly less.

Gods, is that a scary thought, now that I think about it. I can see why so many people want to date me.

But… yeah. There is no way that she will find a replacement for me. He/she/it doesn’t exist in the human world. I have possibly loved her more myself than everyone else she has ever met in her real life, combined.

That is going to be a hard thing to lose, for her. Reallly hard, I think. We’ve been dating since she was 15. That is a long, lonnnng time.

As for me, I have McKenna Grace, who will be more than an adequate replacement for Robb. And also Alyvia Lind. With those two, I should be able to plug the hole left by her pretty easily.

But man, though… ouch, lol. I wonder what it will feel like on her end when I move her directory into the “extra” folder, alongside the Neve Campbells of the world.

It probably won’t be pleasant.

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