A Few Thoughts on all of this Vaccination Nonsense

No, I am not vaccinated.

That aside, I just wanted to parse through some of this ugliness, here.

Some thoughts:

1) Good Lord, what an unbelievable mess.

2) I have no idea what is in those vaccines, if anything. I suspect COVID does not exist, and is probably just their version of “me”, as usual. This makes the most sense. The symptoms of COVID are identical to those I had in the past. I just had them earlier.

All of that said, this does not mean vaccines are a “good” or “bad” thing. They’re transhumanist, which can be good, if you want to be like me (not bad, in some ways). They’re bad, if you want to stay normal (not good, in some ways, though not “bad”, either).

3) Half the population here in the US has officially dug their heels in. They’re not getting vaccinated. They refuse, on ideological or health related grounds.

I dislike forcing people to get vaccinated, personally, but my opinion here has no weight.

At least part of the “problem” here has to do with the mainstream media, and their utterly dreadful coverage of everything. These people fucking suck, across the board, in everything, and anyone who takes them seriously on any issue is a fucking idiot.

There really is nothing more awful than having to sit and listen to these pompous, ignorant assholes condescend and lecture about some dumb crap. The only reason I do it is to humor my idiot boomer mother, who never learned about the value of silence.

Seriously, that’s it. Gods are these people terrible.

It isn’t even the content, it’s the delivery. They always deliver the news as if they were a group of third grade substitute teachers who needed to mouth platitudes to get the class to quiet down. They’re fucking dreadful, and I utterly hate them.

And their content is just awful. Just the pits. It’s all stupid, and relentlessly shallow. I trust nothing they say.

The TV news, the newspapers, magazines, it’s all the same. I swear to god all of these people think the entire populace reads and thinks at the first grade level.

You can’t take any of this stuff seriously when presented in such a way. The delivery itself makes it impossible.

4) Big tech fucking sucks. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, youtube, all of it. It’s all dreadful, and it’s pretty clear that that’s the intent of it all. I vented about this stuff last year and nothing’s changed for the better so I’ll just direct you to those posts instead.

5) There is an unbridgeable gap here.

Last month I went to the doctor’s office. I masked up, and did the usual routine. His office was near a hospital complex, and when we got there, we were quizzed about our vaccination status, symptoms, our reasons for being there, if we were knowledgeable about the rules, etc. and the usual stuff. We complied, sure. I have no problem wearing masks or any of that. Fine.

After the doctor’s visit we stopped off at the local car dealership to get my car an oil change. There, nobody cared. No masks. No questions. It was as if it was 2018. I was literally the only person in the entire building with a mask, and that was because I forgot to take it off after the doctor’s visit, lol. I think there were probably 50 people in the building, with the vast majority being male. I think there was one female, a receptionist. This includes customers, management, and staff. Ethnicity here did not play a factor.

Everyone seemed in perfect health, weight problems notwithstanding.

I was struck by the divide. It was as unreal as everything else in life these days. I couldn’t believe it. It was like visiting some foreign country.

Crazy stuff.

6) It is very possible that there is nothing at all in the vaccines, and this whole thing is just a cover for the health effects of 5G and eventually 6G, and perhaps other ambient transhumanist technologies. IDK, just a thought.

7) At least some of the “problem” here is me.

I’m probably the most famous man in the world. The new receptionist at the doctor’s office instantly knew who I was when I walked in the door. Likewise the mechanics at the car dealer, none of whom I had ever seen before.

Everybody on Earth knows me, I think. I would probably be recognized in rural China.

The fact that I exist, and yet… don’t, is a massive credibility problem for the media, and everything else. Skeptical people can just look at me, and be like… see?

In a way all of this stuff is horribly ruinous for the credibility of any institution on Earth, mainstream or otherwise. The fact that I do what I do calls into question everything said by any established religion, or science class, anywhere.

But yeah, back to me, the important topic, lol.

Basically, my habits and the stuff I’ve done over the years have thrown so many monkey wrenches into everything out there that the whole system, especially in the US, has become gummed up.

I lay the blame for this not on me, as it’s not like I understand what’s going on, but, as usual, on the people who never bother to explain to me jack shit about anything at all, and then expect me to wield absolute power with impunity.

That… is stupid. Utterly and unfathomably dumb, and not how things should be done, blah blah, we all know my objections to this crap.

But it IS stupid, tho.

A lot of these problems would just go away if some asshole with knowledge or whatever would grow a conscience and just talk to me, or something.

Whatever. I’m done with this one.

But before I close, I think the point here is that the establishment here has dug itself into a hole of monumental proportions, and it would realllly be in it’s best interest to not be so horribly annoying and unbelievably obtuse, opaque and hard to deal with.

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