Fenty Splurge, Part V

Hmmmn… I wonder how many fentanyl patches my tummy can hold before I fill up all available spots or I keel over. Do I hear double digits? Going once, going twice…

Yeah I’m betting 12. Or, you know what? 15, bitchez. Let’s go for it!



You know, I almost tweeted this, but then thought better of it. I mean, I don’t want some busybody calling the cops on me or anything, you know? Honestly, fuck those people.

But yeah this time I’m going for volume, and this means I’ll even leave on used up patches, just to cover the spot. So with that being said I’m up to 5 patches now and am considering a fresh sixth, because why the fuck not?

I mean, I’m smart. I know what I’m doing. I can figure all of this stuff out easy-peasy.

It’s a good thing, too, lol. Because you know- if I wasn’t so smart and intuitive I might have a real problem on my hands, lol.



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