One thing that must I think be emphasized is that next year, one of the main focuses of my life will be in bringing Tom Jacobsen back into the fore.
I’m thinking about restarting his website, for example. And other things.
And this I know will not make some of my girlfriends happy, for some stupid reason. I don’t know- some of my ex’s are really gross and really disturbing these days.
I’m not sure I want to understand what the deal is with Willa Holland. Christ is that bitch weird. Bizarre shit featuring Willa has been slowly leaking out onto the internet and whatever it is I want no part of it. Creepy, creepy shit, featuring some disturbing weirdo with the ugliest facial hair I have ever seen.
Jeebus. What the fuck? Trainwreck city.
I really dislike whatever it is I am seeing with whatever the fuck it is my girlfriends do in their spare time, which I guess I will see in the form of more “sets”. Ugh, yuck. Man, I am NOT looking forward to this, lol.
At least Victoria Justice knows how to do this stuff properly. And apparently so does McKayla, and a few others. And K-Stew, which was a pleasant surprise.
But oh man, I dread the day I will be forced to suffer through more J-Law content. God knows what she will put me through.
Victoria still to this day has the best “leaked” content of any celeb. Her stuff is just… beautiful pictures of a beautiful girl, topless, having fun, smiling, showing off her great personality… she just seems like someone you would really want to get to know, sexually or not. There are no creepy guys with weird hair and strange motives hanging around in her set, no dumb, room temperature IQ roid-head idiots, no boring, tiresome dime-a-dozen pretty boys like the kind that I will apparently be seeing in the Taylor Swift set, it’s just… a beautiful girl, being herself. It’s a fun set.
It’s really nice; a real diamond in the rough. I treasure it. Hopefully the Lucy Hale set is as good. I’m crossing my fingers. We’ll see.
At any rate, we’re bringing Tom Jacobsen back out. So if you girls could put away the douchebags, creeps, and empty headed losers to make room for him, that would be more than appreciated.
You know, one thing really angered me this year. It was something Elle Fanning said in an interview, after I expressed distaste over her nude scenes on this blog earlier in the year.
She was being interviewed on youtube, with her The Great co-star next to her. When talking about the scene, she mentioned something about her co-star having starred in About a Boy, the British flick about a bullied kid that also starred Hugh Grant. Wait. Nicolaus Hoult, that’s his name. Right. This is all spilling out so fast that I don’t have time to get everything right, lol. And my hands continue to hurt. Ugh.
Well, I have seen About a Boy. It was a pretty good flick. I saw it while on vacation in Iowa. My sister recommended it to me, and we watched it together. It was alright. Just yet another movie based on my own and my friends’ childhood experiences of course.
What irked me about what Elle said wasn’t even what she said, it was how she said it. It was an offhand comment and expressed like… hey, I know you’re watching this. And you should like this because of these past experiences and blah blah blah, and then she went back to the “real” interview and continued to ignore my real concerns.
I thought she was dismissive and rude, and I didn’t like it, at all.
IDK, maybe she just couldn’t express her real feeling because of the format or whatever, but I couldn’t see someone like, IDK, Chloe Moretz handling this stuff like that.
IDK, maybe I’m in the wrong here. Am I? I don’t think so. I have real concerns here that I would love to talk to someone about but guess what? There’s nobody to talk to, as usual. How wonderful.
If you want to talk to me, feel free to message me on twitter, or elsewhere. My linkedin is here ->
Well, whatever. We’ll see how this goes.
Stop being so nasty and unlikeable, people. Seriously.
Well, welcome 2022. May you be better than this dreadful, dreadful year, lol.